Białostockie Archiwum Językowe <p>Rocznik ukazuje się regularnie od 2001 roku. Z naukowego periodyku, w którym prezentowali wyniki własnych dociekań przedstawiciele białostockiego środowiska językoznawczego, „Białostockie Archiwum Językowe" przekształciło się w czasopismo o zasięgu ogólnopolskim. Problematyka czasopisma skoncentrowana jest przede wszystkim wokół zagadnień dotyczących polszczyzny, na łamach czasopisma upowszechniamy także wyniki badań istotne z punktu widzenia lingwistyki światowej, czemu poświęcone są numery specjalne. Celem czasopisma jest stworzenie forum wymiany myśli i poglądów dla badaczy z polskich i zagranicznych środowisk językoznawczych. Międzynarodowej i interdyscyplinarnej wymianie myśli służy elektroniczna wersja "BAJ-a" oraz publikowanie tekstów online. Czasopismo notowane jest na liście ICI Journal Master, a także indeksowane jest w bazach ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, CEJSH, EBSCO ULTIMATE, Google Scholar Citations, PBN.</p> pl-PL (Anetta Bogusława Strawińska) (Libcom) Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Les fonctions de l’argot du sexe appréhendées au travers des anaphores dans le discours pornographique externe In the era of a new sexual revolution marked mainly by coital overstimulation (Melzer 2019: 32) and sensory exploration through practices offering new uses of the body (Breton 2017: 188), the designation of an entity in the mental representation that exists in the extralinguistic world seems extremely striking, especially with regard to the construction of anaphoric reference in new media. In this regard, it is important to note that at a time of body worship reinforced by the use of new technologies, various manifestations of love are popularized on social networks as well as on thematic sites that have become essential to strategies of effective marketing. Among these web pages, there are very specific portals, namely those with pornographic content, called X pages, where one can very easily have access to numerous photos and videos allowing users to satisfy different carnal appetites. Indeed, it turns out that the immense popularity and, therefore, the effectiveness of these web portals today is not limited only to their visual side, although it is, of course, the image that plays a key role here. Analysis of a particular genre of external pornographic discourse (Paveau 2014: 50) that we propose in this paper is based on a corpus for which we have collected diastratic variational material from non-standard language, namely a hundred information sheets, referred to as erotic biographies of 93 gay and bisexual porn actors, gathered on the French-speaking site The objective of our study is to analyse the functions of sex slang apprehended through anaphoric references, which are expressed in multimodal texts with a persuasive vocation, where images, films or photos play a key referential role. In short, we will try to highlight the discursive effects that this linguistic variation seems to produce by exploiting the anaphoric reference in a particularly persuasive context, with its enormous range of specific lexical and stylistic means: periphrases, metonymies, hyperboles, etc. Mateusz Białas Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Le verbe polysémique baisser dans un corpus parallèle français-polonais This article analyses the semantic plurivocity of the verb baisser in the Parallel Corpus of French-Polish Literary Texts, as well as the heterogeneity of its equivalents in the target language. Its objective is to specify: (a) which meanings, locative or abstract, are statistically the most significant; (b) whether particular meanings of baisser are translated as suggested by dictionaries and the analysis by Cholewa in paper titled Mouvement à polarité négative du sujet: (se) baisser (2021). Locative meanings of baisser dominate in the corpus, especially that meaning ‘lowering a part of the body’, which is used to describe facial expressions. The most common Polish equivalents are spuścić/spuszczać and opuścić/opuszczać. The observation of the (con)text of the French verb proved promising: with analyses on a larger corpus, it will be possible to indicate the correlations between the (con)text and the choice of a Polish equivalent. Joanna Cholewa Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Language Preservation and Revitalisation Strategies. The Case of the Norman Language in France One of the most fundamental issues in sociolinguistics today is the growing number of moribund languages that need urgent attention regarding their revitalisation. While there are many language communities that have succeeded in implementing effective language planning strategies, there are still languages that are severely endangered and in need of further support. The present paper examines the current situation of the Norman language. Norman is a severely endangered language. For the last four years, Norman authorities have been implementing various initiatives involving promotion and documentation of the language. The results of the surveys conducted for the purpose of writing this paper allow conclusions to be formed, regarding the attitudes and commitment shared in the Norman-speaking community. Magdalena Chowaniec Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Culturèmes polonais extraits de Proszę państwa do gazu de Tadeusz Borowski et leurs traductions en français My research interests include culturemes, including those related to the Second World War, analysed in terms of translation within the Polish/French language pair. In my earlier work I examined culturemes related to the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. In this article, I propose to compare a few of the culturemes that emerged in the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, which I have chosen from the Polish short story Proszę państwa do gazu (This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen) by Tadeusz Borowski and its French versions, in two French translations entitled: Au gaz, messieurs-dames! translated by Geneviève Daude (Editions Polonia, 1960) and Aux douches, Mesdames et Messieurs! translated by Laurence Dyèvre and Éric Veaux (Christian Bourgois Editeur, 1992). In addition to comparing strategies for translating the selected culturemes into French, I reached for authentic documents to see if Polish culturemes specific to Auschwitz had French equivalents outside of literature. Culturemes, according to the definition in the Dystynktywny słownik synonimów by Alicja Nagórko, Marek Łaziński and Hanna Burkhardt (2004), are “important keywords for the self-identification of a community, characterising both its attitude to tradition, inherited values, as well as its coping with present time, its current experience of the world”. I include culturemes, created in the Polish language in the reality of the German occupation, among such lexical units of cultural and emotional character, as words of collective memory. Anna Ciostek Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Nom propre et dérivation Mainstream thinking holds that the morphological productivity of proper names is low. The derivation of Npr is certainly not homogeneous but we think that there is a real derivation of Npr in the discursive genre we are studying, the media discourse of political information (considered as a discursive genre in the tradition of the French School of Discourse Analysis). In a first step, our purpose is descriptive and highlights the existence of a derivation by suffixation of Npr of contemporary French politicians. In a second step, the context of the lexematic morphology, we propose to see how these Npr considered as bases lexemes behave when they are subject to the Lexemes Construction Rules (RCL) and how it is necessary to take into account the specific semantic functioning of Npr in the calculation of the constructed sense of constructed lexemes obtained. Joëlle Constanza Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Jour, journée au sens de ‘fête’ et leurs équivalents collocationnels en polonais et lituanien : défis pour le fle This study is a continuation of the previous collaborative work regarding the analysis of the linguistic worldview of fête and its equivalents in Polish and Lithuanian, based on text corpora in the three languages. It revealed that, to understand the concept of celebration in these cultures, the linguistic worldviews of jour, journée and their equivalents in Polish – dzień and in Lithuanian – diena should also be explored. Moreover, a partial synonymy between fête, jour and journée may result in their incorrect use of mainly word patterns, both lexical and syntactic, which can be a potential source of difficulties for French language learners. These observations were a starting point for the present study aiming to identify the linguistic worldviews of jour and journée in the sense of celebration and to compare them with their Polish and Lithuanian equivalents. This research is multidisciplinary, its objective being mainly didactic, yet the methodology is at the crossroads of corpus linguistics and cultural linguistics. Therefore, the paper starts with a focus on the integration of text corpora in foreign language teaching and with the definition of collocation being a key notion of corpus analysis. It is followed by a presentation of the results of our empirical study. It shows that the word journée is more frequently used than jour while talking about celebrations and that most of the events denoted by the analysed words are civil, not religious, as in the case of the words fête, święto and šventė. The corpus analysis provided word patterns of jour and journée that are applicable to French language teaching. Agnieszka Dryjańska, Vitalija Kazlauskienė Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Selected Peculiarities of English and Georgian Political Talk Shows The present paper aims to discuss selected peculiarities of English and Georgian political talk shows using the example of BBC | Vote 22 NI, WMUR-TV ‘Granite states Debate’, NBC News-MSNBC Democratic Debate, Choice, The stories of the day and Timely Questions. The analysis is conducted with a view to determining the similarities between the methods and techniques of manipulation in English and Georgian political speeches. It is undertaken to answer the following question: Are the politicians mostly criticizing the opponent’s speech and their ideas or are they simply insulting them? What kind of mood do the guests and the host create in the beginning and during the programme? What kind of similarities and differences can be seen in the structure of English and Georgian political talk shows? In English-language talk shows, political discourse is not as open and obvious as in Georgian ones. The host and the guests do not intend to abuse someone verbally or physically. As a rule, the English-language political discourse has a neutral approach in this regard, while in Georgian, there tends to be a sharp confrontation with the opponent. Salome Dvalishvili Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Słownictwo obcego pochodzenia w reportażach Melchiora Wańkowicza z tomu Anoda i katoda The aim of this paper is to present the multitude of foreign words and phrases in reportages published in the Anoda i katoda [Anode and Cathode] collection by Melchior Wańkowicz and to answer the following questions: Does the author mark foreign words in his text? Have they been adapted to the Polish language? Where did this abundance of borrowings come from? When the lexemes or phrases were kept in their original form, it was established whether the writer marked them in the text, and if so, how it was achieved. In the group of words highlighted in the text by the writer, the majority are written in italics. The writer did not use any special distinction towards many words in a foreign form. In those cases when words of foreign origin were adapted to the Polish language system, the methods of this adaptation were indicated. The two largest collections of foreign vocabulary in the examined material originate from Latin and French. Some foreign lexemes were adapted to Polish, becoming the basis for new words in the Polish language by declination and replacement of vowels and/or consonants with their Polish equivalents. The diversity of the borrowings applied is the effect of the writer’s background in the multi-cultural Borderlands, his thorough education and his numerous journeys and long time spent abroad. Marzena Guz Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Talk Show Interview as a Speech Genre: Georgian-English Perspective The present paper discusses the talk show interview as a speech genre. With this view, the study employs contrastive analysis. The focus is on interviews conducted in non-political talk shows, which had not been studied in this regard so far. The article outlines talk shows in America and Georgia, characterizes their structure, style, lexical-grammatical characteristics, and presents the interview as a speech genre. Nana Iobishvili Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 La néologie récente du verbe français The subject of the article are the latest verbal neologisms in French and the aim of the undertaken research is to determine the contemporary word-formation tendencies of this grammatical category. The research material comes from the French digital platform Néoveille, which selects neologisms from large text corpora. A sample of about 200 new verbs, which were described from the point of view of their formal and semantic properties, was subjected to qualitative analysis. It seems that these features are closely related to the functions that verbal neologisms perform in discourse. Alicja Kacprzak Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Z badań nad językiem piśmiennictwa nowogródzkiego z okresu międzywojennego. 3. Elementy kresowe i inne osobliwości językowe w międzywojennym „Życiu Nowogródzkim” In the inter‑war period, a number of press titles appeared in Nowogródek, but chief among them was “Życie Nowogródzkie”. Several dozen issues of this periodical/daily bear witness to the rare phonetic, inflectional, word‑making and syntactic features of Borderland Polish. Much more numerous are Borderland dialect words, words and phrases more frequently used in the Borderlands, and other peculiar words (archaisms, words now obsolete, words rarely used, “neologisms,” idiolectisms and phrasal idioms). 165 such language forms have been recorded. All volumes of “Życie Nowogródzkie” are deserving of detailed study. Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Les nouveaux mots dans le Petit Robert de la langue française 2021 The language dictionary does not only propose to make a description of the lexicon in the verbal performances of the speaking subjects, but also that of the attitudes of these speakers with regard to the types of spoken or written verbal behaviours. The dictionary is a place of reference, it describes its judgments of acceptability according to a cultural norm. The lexicographers of Le Petit Robert de la langue française 2021 insist on the evolution of the language that each new edition of the dictionary must take into account. They lead a fight against single thought and impoverished expression by offering a very broad vision of French practices ranging from abstract thought and contemporary techniques to the spontaneous expression of language uses. This article focuses on the new words present in the 2021 version of this dictionary. If we study the neologisms added to this glossary, we can see quite clearly in which directions the lexicon of the French language is evolving. Neology works on the new basis of a certain number of rules which are characterized by their greater or lesser productivity. Aïno Niklas-Salminen Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Désuétude et mots figés : quand les mots désuets et les sens vieillis ne disparaissent pas The words we use today reflect the history of our generation, just as those linked to a past context can bear its imprints. In any period, the words or expressions that we use are the mirror of our experience and our time. The fact remains that language has a memory. It certainly evolves at our own pace but sometimes retains turns that send us back to old uses. These are so called survivals when the word lost in usual use remains in a form isolated from the rest of the paradigm or when it is main‑ tained in a fixed expression which refers to an often enigmatic meaning because the word in question is unknown to the contemporary lexicon. These expressions are studied here in order to understand their connotations in the current language and to analyze the hidden meanings of the obsolete forms that compose them. Rose Sène Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Madka z bombelkami, czyli o leksykalnych nośnikach lakunarności The aim of the paper is to analyse two lexemes belonging to the most recent layer of the modern Polish lexicon, mainly the words madka and bombelek which are deeply rooted in culture, as lacunary units, i.e. non-equivalent items, from a Polish-English perspective. The analysis of lexicographic entries constitutes a starting point for the investigation of the potential approximate English equivalents of both lexemes and verifying the hypothesis concerning their lacunarity. The research on English corresponding units allows the conclusion to be drawn that the two Polish words are non-equivalent at the systematic level, since they refer to complex mental constructs, evoke cultural connotations and are judgemental. Joanna Szerszunowicz Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Kilka językowo-kulturologicznych uwag o perłach współtworzących sztuczną biżuterię A phenomenon of organic stones, today regarded as precious stones, namely pearls, is the fact that they have never gone out of fashion. Their enduring popularity has been exploited by the creators of artificial jewellery, which – like real pearls and their imitations – has accompanied humans since ancient times. The subject of this article is comments on the names of pearls and terms associated with pearls incorporated into “secondary jewels”. In the Polish language one- and multi-word names have been preserved, among others for: a) different types of these (less frequently used) natural stones and their (more frequently used) artificial counterparts, b) morphic pearls, c) chromatic qualities of pearls, d) the quantity and quality of stones used, e) the type of framing of both organic and artificial stones, f) metal studded with pearls, g) the complementary properties of artificial and natural pearls, h) names that reflect the diversity of “secondary” jewellery “pearl” designations and details that co-create them. These names are further complemented by professional jewellers’ terms related to pearls that enrich these artificial items of value. All the linguistic testimony or “linguistic data” presented in this proposal allows for the redefinition, verification, complementation, modification and thus expansion of the concept of artificial jewellery. Katarzyna Węgorowska Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Les jeux de mots homophoniques en tant qu’instrument du potentiel langagier: exemple des microtextes oulipiens This article seeks to explore the role of homophonic puns in the works of the Oulipo group. The study is based on the example of a corpus drawn from the Oulipian microtexts collected in Anthologie de l’OuLiPo (2009) by M. Bénabou and P. Fournel. With reference to the classification of figures of words proposed by J.-J.Robrieux (2000) and the theory of word plays by P. Guiraud (1976), an analysis of specific realisations of Oulipian linguistic ‘constraints’ founded on the phenomenon of homophony was undertaken. The analysis explores the question of the double reading, synthetic and analytical, of Oulipian texts, and discusses the determination of factors that facilitate the interpretation of the puns proposed to the reader by the author (such as context, spelling, syllable distribution, typography). The study of the corpus aims to illustrate the function of homophone-based word plays and their application in the exploration of language’s potential. Homophonic wordplay is an effective stylistic device, but also an important premise for reflection on the linear nature of language, the conventionality of its components and the relations between them. Weronika Woźniak Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 L’adverbe grec εὖ dans la formation préfixale du lexique néo-testamentaire The article focuses on an analysis of the semantic character of the Greek adverb εὖ and its prefix role in the morphological formations of selected lexical units present in the texts of the New Testament. The author begins by addressing the possibility of creating lexical units using the selected prefix, listing the lexemes with the highest degree of productivity appearing in the chosen corpus. The units selected in this way are then analysed in terms of their functioning in Greek New Testament texts, with or without the prefix εὖ. The analysis makes it possible to indicate the semantic contribution that the studied prefix makes to the newly created linguistic formations. The work also focuses on a comparative analysis of the translations adopted in French biblical studies and suggests a deeper understanding of them based on the results of the proposed description. Aleksandra Żłobińska-Nowak Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Gabriela Dziamska-Lenart, Jarosław Liberek, Krzysztof Skibski (red.) Perspektywy współczesnej frazeologii polskiej. Artystyczny potencjał frazeologii Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM Poznań 2021, ss. 134 Joanna Szerszunowicz Copyright (c) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000