Linguodidactica <p><strong>Aims and Scope</strong></p> <p>The annual academic journal Linguodidactica presents a forum for linguistic and foreign language teaching research of all kinds: selected problems of synchronous, diachronic, theoretical and applied linguistics (including theoretical and practical translation studies, terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, history of language, onomastics, cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, functional grammar), as well as teaching foreign languages (at all stages of education using traditional and new teaching/learning methods, and taking into account intra- and interlingual interference). Articles can be in the form of both language proficiency comparatives and texts of an applied character. Studies published in Linguodidactica reflect the latest linguistic trends in the linguistic paradigm of the 21st century, as well as an interdisciplinary approach to teaching methods.</p> <p>We publish 1 issue per year. The journal does not charge fees for submitting materials, for editorial work or for the publication of texts. The journal does not pay fees to the authors of articles.</p> <p>Linguodidactica is indexed in the list of journals of the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland (40pts).</p> <p>Publisher:<br>University of Bialystok Press<br>15-328 Białystok, ul. Świerkowa 20B, pok. 7<br>tel. 85 745 71 20<br>e-mail:</p> en-US (Robert Szymula) (Libcom) Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ STANISŁAW MONIUSZKO: SŁOWO I PIEŚŃ W KRĘGU TRADYCJI MICKIEWICZOWSKIEJ Olga Anchimiuk Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LA LEXIE INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE DANS LES TITRES DE PRESSE FRANCAIS ECHOS DUNE REVOLUTION TECHNOLOGIQUE <p>Rooted in a discourse analysis perspective, this study investigates uses of the lexie intelli-<br>gence artificielle (Eng. artificial intelligence) in the French press. We aim at scoping out<br>how artificial intelligence, as a new technology, is perceived. To that end, using the French<br>press database Europresse, we extracted 82 titles and introduction summaries, from 2021<br>national daily newspapers, in which intelligence artificielle occurs. Discourse analysis has<br>been performed on that corpus. It leads to distinguish four points of view: (1) a technological<br>fascination; (2) business enthusiasm; (3) a willingness to understand and explain the technology itself; (4) an ethical concern. The analysis highlights that, in the French press,<br>enthusiasm is bigger than worries.</p> Thomas Bertin Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 RESILIENCE OF POLISH TERTIARY TEACHERS HOW TO DEFINE IT AND HOW TO BUILD IT <p>The aim of the article is to analyse the resilience competence of Polish tertiary teachers<br>which allowed them to cope with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on various aspects<br>of education. The article specifically emphasizes how the resilience competence is defined<br>in the Polish context. The article also presents an overview of expected tertiary learning<br>outcomes for future teachers of Polish, and English as a foreign language, in order to analyse<br>the degree to which tertiary teacher training courses emphasize the importance of social<br>and emotional aspects of teaching which are part of the resilience competence. Finally,<br>the article presents selected ways of building resilience for tertiary teachers.</p> Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich, Anetta B. Strawińska Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ZASTOSOWANIE NOWYCH TECHNOLOGII PODCZAS PRACY NAD WZBOGACANIEM SŁOWNICTWA JĘZYKA OBCEGO (NA PRZYKŁADZIE WYBRANYCH PORTALI EDUKACYJNYCH I APLIKACJI MOBILNYCH) <p>The purpose of the article is to analyze the possibilities of using new technologies in learning<br>foreign language vocabulary. The analysis is based on both educational portals, mobile<br>applications and survey data. The possibilities of using selected online tools to increase students’<br>motivation and improve their performance in foreign language learning are pointed<br>out. The main difficulties of integrating these tools in the teaching and learning process were<br>also pointed out. It was concluded that the systematic use of some educational portals and<br>mobile applications, both in and out of the classroom, during individual work will allow students<br>to increase their learning efficiency and help them memorize language vocabulary.</p> Ewa Dźwierzyńska Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 NIEMIECKIE NAZWISKA OBYWATELI FROMBORKA Z 1693 ROKU NA LITERY M-Z <p>This paper analyses the origin of German surnames to determine their structure and identify<br>derivative names (structuralist method). It also seeks to determine the language phenomena<br>within the sphere of vocalism and consonantism, and note the presence of selected<br>dialects and the effect of foreign languages to determine whether the surnames under<br>study were still present in Warmia in the 18th century.<br>Surnames with a single motivation include those derived from first names, nicknames, the<br>place of origin, the place of residence and one’s profession or office occupied. The majority<br>of the names in Frombork under analysis are non-derivative. The linguistic phenomena<br>involved include delabialisation, vowel exchange, contraction, and consonant doubling for<br>no reason. Approximately 36% of the names did not survive to the 1770s.</p> Marzena Guz Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ЛIНГВОКУЛЬТУРНИЙ ТИПАЖ ОДЕСИТКА В СУЧАСНОМУ КУЛЬТУРНОМУ ПРОСТОРI УКРАЇНИ <p>The linguoocultural type “Odesa woman”, which became the object of this study, was<br>singled out due to the existence of the myth about Odesa as a traditionally “cosmopolitan” commercial city with its postulated “Odesa nationality” and the presence of the socalled<br>“Odesa coine” or “Odesa language”. The study found that the attitude towards the<br>Odesa woman as a stereotypical image is gradually losing its prototypical features, and this<br>type will most likely undergo significant transformations in the future. These transformations<br>concern, first of all, the language of communication; currently the image embodies a bilingual<br>person (Ukrainian-Russian), with a more pronounced Ukrainian component. However,<br>“Odesa Koyne” is not typically used in the everday speech of Odesa women. The sphere<br>of its use is fiction and humorous works. We believe that “odesianness” is a historical discursive<br>construction based on the existence of large and small narratives. These narratives<br>are now gradually being destroyed and replaced by new ones, in which attention is focused<br>on the formation of the “Ukrainianness” of the linguistic and cultural type ‘odesitka”<br>(odesa-woman).</p> Галина Яроцька Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 JĘZYK POLSKI JAKO OBCY W UCZELNI MEDYCZNEJ PROBLEMY I WYZWANIA <p>Teaching Polish as a foreign language at a medical university constitutes a series of strategic<br>challenges and problems of a diverse nature. Obviously, some of them have a systemic<br>(organizational) character, and some result, among other things, from the differences in the<br>language level or the multinationality and hence the multiculturalism of the students.<br>The aim of the paper is to present the findings of a survey conducted among students<br>of medicine learning Polish at the Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum in<br>Bydgoszcz. Results of the research on the needs, expectations and concerns of students<br>have become the basis for developing a number of temporary solutions in teachingmedical language, including specific didactic activities during classes. Moreover, efforts were also<br>made to work out some mutually beneficial long-term solutions.</p> Katarzyna Jóskowska Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE USE OF AUTHENTIC MATERIALS WHILE TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO SEN STUDENTS <p>The article focuses on the use of authentic materials when teaching English as a Foreign<br>Language to SEN Students. A mixed-method study (with the help of questionnaires and interviews)<br>was conducted to investigate teachers’ awareness of students with SEN. We were<br>interested to find the types of additional materials used in English lessons with SEN students,<br>and in particular whether the investigated teachers (with different teaching seniority) use authentic<br>materials when they work in inclusive classrooms. It turned out that English teachers’<br>awareness of SEN students is low and their opinions are not precisely formed; the teachers<br>use selected authentic materials, believing that inclusive classrooms do not allow them to<br>use these teaching materials they would be willing to use there.</p> Ewelina Anna Kałuża, Krzysztof Polok Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 СЕМАНТИЧНI ТРАНСФОРМАЦIЇ ЛЕКСЕМ ЗВIЛЬНЕННЯ ТА АГРЕСIЯ (НА МАТЕРIАЛI УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ РОСIЙСЬКОЇ ТА НIМЕЦЬКОЇ МОВ) <p>The article analyzes the structure of lexical meaning and the use of the tokens liberation<br>and aggression in Ukrainian, Russian and German as markers of semantic opposition. Definitions<br>of explanatory dictionaries of the Ukrainian, Russian and German languages served<br>as material for the analysis. To illustrate the peculiarities of usage, the contexts of modern<br>Ukrainian, Russian and German media discourse are involved. The lexeme zv`ıl’nennˆa / osvo-<br>boˇzdenie / Befreiung is polysemic in the analyzed languages. It was found that the lexeme<br>agres`ıˆa / agressiˆa / Aggression is presented in Ukrainian, Russian and German languages<br>with different actualization of the seme and different seme composition. In the Ukrainian<br>language, the transformation from “unprovoked armed attack” to “forceful intervention”<br>in the relations between two states is recorded; in the Russian language it is about “attack”<br>and forceful actions against “foreigners; and in the German language a military attack on<br>foreign territory is foreseen.</p> Наталiя Кондратенко, Любов Завальська Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 NARRATIVE MEDICINE A TOOL TO RESHAPE YOUR ESP CLASS <p>Narrative medicine has become an independent field of medical humanities, which applies<br>the practical principles of analyzing literature in the context of interpreting patients’<br>personal narratives in order to improve patient-centered care and restore contemporarily<br>fragile doctor-patient relationships. Although its practical application can already be<br>observed in a growing number of doctor-oriented courses supported by many academic<br>centers around the world, its didactic potential as an innovative approach to teaching<br>English as a foreign language, especially to medical students, seems yet unnoticed. The<br>aim of this article is to provide a broader insight into the main original concept of narrative<br>medicine, yet with particular attention being drawn to its application as an innovative<br>practical didactic tool to transform the ESP courses attended by Polish students of medical<br>faculties.</p> Aleksandra Łukaszyk-Spryszak Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ЛЕКСИКО-СЕМАНТИЧНI ЗАСОБИ ВИРАЖЕННЯ ВЕРБАЛЬНОЇ АГРЕСIЇ В СОЦIАЛЬНIЙ МЕРЕЖI FACEBOOK <p>The paper is devoted to the study of verbal aggression realised in online discourse. The aim<br>of the study is to fix and describe lexical-semantic means of expressing verbal aggression in<br>modern Ukrainian-language online discourse, namely in the social network Facebook. The<br>main method of the study is the functional method, in particular, component, linguistic,<br>linguistic and pragmatic analyses were applied. According to the results of the analysis, the lexico-semantic means of expressing verbal aggression are considered from two<br>perspectives: pragmatically (invectives and obscene vocabulary and dysphemisms) and<br>formally (stable expressions, neologisms and ocasional transformations of anthroponyms).<br>These markers become manifestations of verbal aggression if they are used with the purpose<br>of inflicting non-physical harm to the person at whom the aggression is directed.</p> Марiя Малишева Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LINTENTIONNALITE DANS LE DISCOURS PUBLICITAIRE DES PRODUITS DITS ´ECOLOGIQUES <p>The intention of persuasion in advertising discourse is obvious. This article proposes an analysis<br>of brand names, product names and slogans in a very trendy field – cosmetics and ecological,<br>or so-called ecological products. Persuasive intentions such as positioning, making<br>believe and making do are presented therein and used to provoke a desire and fill a need.<br>The components will be analysed according to the research of linguists such as Charaudeau,<br>Navarro Dom´ınguez, Pachocińska, Prak-Derrington, and Searle. The expected results<br>will prove that intention uses not only psychological but also linguistic manipulations in order<br>to attract consumers.</p> Christine Martinez Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ROZWOJ KOMPETENCJI INTERKULTUROWYCH NA PRZYKŁADZIE PODRĘCZNIKA DO NAUKI JĘZYKA WŁOSKIEGO CAMPIONATO DITALIANO NOWE TENDENCJE W PRAKTYCE GLOTTODYDAKTYCZNEJ <p>The aim of this paper is to examine themethodology of teaching intercultural competencies<br>in the innovative textbook for learning the Italian language, Campionato d’italiano. The use<br>of the football theme – one of the cultural phenomena attracting the interest of the broad<br>masses of society – as the main thematic pattern of a textbook for teaching L2 integrated skills fills a gap existing in the publishing market, but also prompts scientific reflection on<br>the purposefulness and possible implications of such an approach in relation to the field<br>of the development of intercultural competencies. Applying the evaluation criteria for the<br>development of intercultural competencies proposed by E. Bandura, a content analysis of<br>the didactic activities extracted from the analyzed material was made, showing significant<br>glottodidactic differences in relation to previously available course books for teaching the<br>Italian language.</p> Joanna Ozimska Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ С ФИНАЛЬЮ ИНГ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ <p>The focus of this publication is on nouns (nomina actionis) with the ending -ing which are recorded<br>in modern Russian. These are both words taken from English and neologisms derived<br>from native material. Both groups of lexicons were characterized taking into account their<br>functional specificity, which became the main focus of consideration. Individuals recorded fromwidely understoodmedia (press, the Internet) and fromavailable lexicographic sources<br>were analyzed. Additionally, attention was focused on the status of the suffix -ing in the<br>morphological system of the Russian language. The proposed work uses classic research<br>methods, i.e. synchronous description of factual material and contextual presentation of<br>empirical base. The results of the analysis show stylistic and functional limitations of Russian<br>neologisms with the suffix -ing, as well as evidence, on the one hand, of the growing derivative<br>potential of the suffix -ing in Russian word-making and, on the other hand, of the<br>continuing popularity of nouns with semantics of activities imported from English.</p> Anna Romanik Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ОБРАЩЕНИЕ К ГРУППЕ ЛЮДЕЙ ДИДАКТИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ <p>The aim of this article is to present the addressative phrase as an important element of<br>linguistic etiquette. A method of observation has been applied, consisting in the analysis of<br>addressatives addressed to a group of people in a specific context – the factual material<br>includes fragments of contemporary Polish prose and its translation into Russian, as well as<br>examples in Russian taken from an Internet corpus. The study showed that addressative<br>phrases are not only an important component of etiquette, but also linguistic exponents of<br>interpersonal relations, which is why special attention should be paid to them during foreign<br>language lessons in order to properly shape learners’ communicative competence.</p> Anna Rudyk Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GLOBAL ENGLISHES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING A REFLECTION ON CURRENT TRENDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION <p>The spread of English as a global language has stirred a debate about whether English<br>programs should prepare students to learn English from the Global Englishes perspective.<br>This research-informed paper offers a review of the literature on the importance of linguistic<br>diversity and innovative English language teaching practices that integrate the Global<br>Englishes perspective into academic teaching. While being engaged in thought-provoking<br>reflection, the readers will gain an understanding of the critical aspects of promoting Global<br>Englishes in the classroom and be encouraged to consider their experiences and views.</p> Anna Sańczyk-Cruz Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE POPKULTUR IM DAFUNTERRICHT IM KINDERGARTEN <p>The aim of this paper is to present how to make use of German pop culture in German<br>as a foreign language classes at kindergarten. To this end, two elements of German pop<br>culture were chosen, namely the animated series ‘Maya the Honey Bee’, as well as the book<br>for children ‘Die Biene Maja. Die sch¨onsten Geschichten zum Vorlesen’ by C. Felgentreff<br>and S. Kord, from which one of the stories, entitled ‘Ferdinand’, was selected. The story was adapted for didactic purposes and didactised according to the three-stage methodology<br>of the narrative method, so-called storytelling. What is more, the class was enriched by<br>another element of German pop culture, namely the song ‘Die Biene Maja’ performed<br>by Karel Gott.</p> Katarzyna Sowa-Bacia Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LEKSEMY Z WTORNYM ZNACZENIEM METAFORYCZNYM W ROSYJSKOJĘZYCZNEJ PRASIE ŁOTWY <p>The article presents the results of an analysis of the potential impact on readers of lexemes<br>with secondary metaphorical meanings (source domain THEATER) used in articles published<br>in the Russian-language press published in Latvia (in 2012–2022). The study was conducted<br>on the basis of linguistic material taken from socio-political press articles published in five<br>Latvian newspapers, both from print and electronic versions. The study, conducted with the<br>help of semantic and contextual analysis, showed that the authors of the analyzed texts<br>use theatrical metaphors that can evoke negative connotations in readers, but examples of the use of such lexemes are not numerous. The emotional impact on the audience is<br>limited by the fact that the metaphorical meaning of the analyzed units is often an already<br>obliterated meaning.</p> Robert Szymula Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 МЕТОДИКА ОБУЧЕНИЯ РУССКОМУ УДАРЕНИЮ В ПОЛЬСКОЙ АУДИТОРИИ ИСТОРИЯ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ <p>The article focuses on two main methods of teaching word stress to Polish students: imitation<br>and the grammar method. Imitation, based on repeating words, phrases and sentences<br>with correct word stress, is the dominant method of teaching Polish students. However, this<br>method does not seem to be effective in acquiring orthoepic habits since it is not based on characteristic features of the Russian accentual system. The research indicated that it is necessary<br>to compare and analyse Russian and Polish accentual systems to eliminate mother<br>tongue interference to master correct Russian pronunciation. Therefore, using the grammar<br>method in teaching Russian word stress is a necessity. This method allows for teaching rules<br>of stress in Russian because it uses word formation characteristics and the morphemic structure<br>of words. It is the only effective way of learning accentual patterns as it can develop<br>the habit of conscious accentuation based on structured rules and regularities, and improve<br>and correct Russian pronunciation in general.</p> Joanna Woch Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000