Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie <p>„Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie” – rocznik naukowy poświęcony zagadnieniom języka i literatury narodów wschodniosłowiańskich oraz dyscyplin pokrewnych takich jak kulturoznawstwo, komunikacja interkulturowa, translatoryka, komparatystyka polsko-wschodniosłowiańska. Publikujemy artykuły z językoznawstwa teoretycznego i stosowanego, w ujęciu synchronicznym i diachronicznym, teorii i historii literatury, krytyki literackiej, a także prace o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym. Oprócz artykułów naukowych, w czasopiśmie są zamieszczane recenzje publikacji krajowych i zagranicznych oraz sprawozdania z wydarzeń naukowych. Redakcja czasopisma dużą wagę przywiązuje do umiędzynarodowienia wyników badań. Teksty są publikowane w językach wschodniosłowiańskich, języku polskim i angielskim.</p> <p>Czasopismo „Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie” jest ujęte w ministerialnym wykazie punktowanych czasopism naukowych od 2010 r. Aktualna punktacja to 40 pkt.</p> Uniwersytet w Białymstoku pl-PL Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 1642-557X «Остается еще людская память». Многоголосие «маленьких» свидетелей истории в романе-документе Анатолия Кузнецова Бабий Яр The article is devoted to the specificity of the perception of the events of World War II in Kiev, including the tragedy of Babi Yar. The genocide of the Jews in Kiev becomes the focal point of Anatoly Kuznetsov’s documentary novel and part of a broader reflection on the nature of totalitarian systems (Nazi and Soviet). Babi Yar as an ego - documentary shows the cruelty of war from the perspective of ordinary people, focusing on its local dimension. The greatest emphasis in the article is placed on the analysis of the specificity of the narrative in the documentary novel (роман -документ) Babi Yar, in which we deal with the voice of a mature narrator, the perspective of a small boy and the stories of war victims integrated into the structure of the novel. They create a characteristic polyphony in the novel, which becomes not only the testimony of one person, but also, in accordance with the clearly formulated idea of the writer himself, the “voice” of the “little people”, an appeal for them to be remembered in the face of the “great” history that overshadows the tragedy of an individual. Antoni Bortnowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 7 24 10.15290/sw.2023.23.01 Rossica w Dziennikach Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza. Dwudziestowieczność. Wybrane aspekty The article is devoted to the analysis of broadly understood twentieth-century russica appearing in Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s Journals. Individual russica were combined into thematic blocks that cover such spheres of cultural reality as literary life, literary studies, the times of the thaw, the condition of a writer in the Soviet Union, and Ilya Erenburg’s reception of specific Russian writers (Ilya Erenburg, Konstantin Paustowski, Andrei Vozniesienski, Boris Pasternak, Anna Akhmatova, Bella Akhmadulina). The basic phenomena are considered through the lens of cultural comparative studies, which assume that the research object is embedded in specific historical, political and aesthetic realities. The presence of the figure of the diarist clearly outlined in the Diaries allows us to look at the discussed problems not from an “isolating” encyclopaedic perspective, but from a personal perspective, enriched with an emotional layer. This approach is additionally supported by the selection of para-literary materials – i.e. diaries and ephemeral texts. Kacper Grajewski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 25 50 10.15290/sw.2023.23.02 Współczesny moralitet, czyli komedia Четыре человека, два ангела Wiktora Szenderowicza The subject of the article is the analysis of Four People and Two Angels, a play by Russian satirist Victor Shenderovich (2001). The main conclusion of this analysis is that this play refers to psychomachia as one of the oldest literary motifs. However, the difference between classical realisation of the psychomachic motif and its realisation in Shenderovich’s play is noticeable: while the classical psychomachia reveals through seriousness and sublimity, Four People and Two Angels is an example of the realisation of this motif in a comedic convention. It becomes possible mainly due to how the author creates the mysterious figures of angel Stroncylov and the sinner Ivan Pashkin. References to the literary works of Lev Tolstoy, Nikolai Erdman or Mikhail Bulgakov provide additional justification for the claim that the play written by the Russian satirist raises existential problems, but the way it does so is definitely far from the classical literary depictions of the motif of struggle for the human soul. Katarzyna Jastrzębska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 51 66 10.15290/sw.2023.23.03 Русская женская литература в XVIII–XIX веках: эволюция, проблематика и поэтика The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution, problematics and poetics of Russian women’s literature of the 18th and 19th centuries. The main task of the work is to determine the origins of professional women’s writing, as well as to show the development and evolution of this branch of art. The period of women’s creative work that lasted from the second half of the 18th century reached its peak in the 1830s and 1840s, becoming a fruitful stage for women’s literature, which developed in many forms and directions. It should be noted that its formation is inextricably linked with changes in the state system (the accession of women to the Russian throne) and the literary process (for example, the era of sentimentalism), as well as with the emergence of new, purely female, groups and movements (for example, emancipation). The evolution of Russian women’s writing in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was all along a process subordinate to the power of men, who had a real influence on the formation of women’s style or publication processes. Weronika Jeleńska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 67 78 10.15290/sw.2023.23.04 Отражение прошлого и метаморфозы настоящего в романе Саши Филипенко Кремулятор The article is an attempt at a deeper reading of the various levels of the diary kept by the novel’s main character, Peter Nesterenko, whose fate forms the basis of the plot. The writer’s skilful use of the documentary narrative method helps to decipher the events in the life of a real person, a white officer who, in 1927, headed up the first Moscow crematorium and eventually fell into the cogs of the repression machine. The historical material collected (investigation files, archival documents, quotations), the artistically significant composition of the work (the novel is constructed in the form of six interrogations interspersed with fragments of the protagonist’s diaries), the way the diary is addressed and its wide range of possible functions allow us to better understand not only the times of repression, the ‘inconvenient past’ (Nikolai Eple), but also provides opportunities to draw contemporary socio-political parallels to modern Russia. Natalia Królikiewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 79 91 10.15290/sw.2023.23.05 Жанровый синкретизм книги Богдана Образа Киев–Париж. В поисках застывшего времени Bogdan Obraz’s book Kyiv–Paris. In Search of Frozen Time is non-fiction literature. It is a written testimony of a young resident of Kiev, staying in the capital of France as a student and trainee. The text of this ego-document is a fusion of elements of various genres. The autobiographical reflections of the narrator- protagonist on his identity, his psychological introspection in the course of his walks with his partners in Paris are intertwined with the material of a guide to the two capitals, selected and structured by him. Moreover, the encyclopedism of copious data on the life of the two cities is striking in its abundance of descriptions of loci that were previously out of sight of the authors of books about Paris and Kyiv. Here, excerpts from an undated personal journal appear side by side with mini-essays about famous figures in the history of France and Ukraine, quotes from song, poetry and prose, references to the works of artists, films, performances – intertwined with texts by sociologists, market analysts, social psychologists, as non-fiction merges with fiction. All this contributes to the transformation of the declared genre forms in the book, and their contamination leads to the emergence of a new borderline genre. Ludmiła Szewczenko Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 93 118 10.15290/sw.2023.23.06 Wschodniosłowiańskie cechy językowe w antroponimii unitów zamieszkujących obwód białostocki w 1810 roku The subject of this article is two anthroponymic categories, i.e. names and surnames identifying the Uniates living in the Białystok district in 1810. The analyzed personal names were shaped in the Polish -Ruthenian political, national-religious and socio-cultural borderland, where settlers from Ruthenia played a key role in the past. In the context of the religious affiliation of people bearing the researched names and surnames, the circumstances of the establishment of the Uniate Church, derived from the tradition of the Orthodox Church, were an important factor. All these reasons determined the presence of East Slavic language features in the analyzed resource on various levels: phonetic, semantic, morphological and structural. In terms of naming, the distinguished features resulted from the adaptation of the names from the Orthodox calendar to the East Slavic language systems. The Ruthenian genesis of surnames is confirmed by the appellative and nominative bases, as well as surname formants related to East Slavic languages Elżbieta Bogdanowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 119 136 10.15290/sw.2023.23.07 Мовний образ РІДНОЇ ЗЕМЛІ / ХОЛМЩИНИ / УКРАЇНИ в поезії Тадея Карабовича The article deals with the linguistic image of the NATIVE LAND / KHOLMSHCHYNA / UKRAINE in the poetry of Tadej Karabowicz. It has been found that it combines linguistic -stylistic units to designate the small homeland (Kholmshchyna) and the larger Motherland (Ukraine). The poet’s special attitude to his native land as a shrine is emphasized by frequently used sacral terms (Mother of God, Lord, communion, sacred, temple, etc.). A number of toponyms (oikonyms and hydronyms) express the concrete physical features of the native land. The associative -semantic field of the linguistic image is formed by keywords -concepts with typical attributes, supplemented by the author’s artistic expressions (parents’ house, a native home, a cherry orchard, an embroidered towel, etc.). Phytonyms and ornithonyms (a pear tree, a lark, cranes, weeds/herbs, viburnum, etc.) express the direct and symbolic meanings inherent in folklore and literary tradition, and are given new meanings by the author. Ніна Данилюк Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 137 150 10.15290/sw.2023.23.08 Kategoria wroga w dyskursie rosyjskiej władzy (na przykładzie orędzia W. W. Putina z 24 lutego 2022 roku) The subject of research in this article is the figure of the enemy, which is identified in numerous studies as one of the basic components of the world of propaganda, including communist propaganda. The aim of the analysis is to characterize the language exponents of the category of enemy in V. V. Putin’s message and to indicate their functions in the contemporary discourse of the Russian authorities. It should be emphasized that we treat the discourse of the Russian authorities as modern newspeak, that is, as a contemporary variant of the communist propa ganda discourse used by the political elite of today’s authoritarian Russia. In the examined message, two types of enemies were distinguished: real, i.e. actually existing in the world around us, to which the United States belongs, along with its allies from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and invented enemies, i.e. ones that are a kind of creation of Russian propaganda. These created enemies include neo-Nazis allegedly supported by the NATO organization, who supposedly form the current government in Kiev. They are portrayed as posing the most se rious threat to the Russian Federation. The category of enemy serves V. V. Putin for officially explaining to the Russian people the reasons for beginning the socalled “special military operation” in Ukraine, which is supposed to be “self-defence against threats to Russia”. Gabriela Dudek-Waligóra Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 151 169 10.15290/sw.2023.23.09 Polityka nazewnicza Ukrainy w obliczu wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej na przykładzie zmian nazewnictwa miejskiego Over the last 30 years, the Ukrainian state has undergone several waves of changes in toponymy, both oykonymy and urbanonymy. These changes were caused by socio-political changes. After Russia’s open military attack on Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, the phenomenon of broad derussification and, with it, Ukrainization of the linguistic space can be observed. This trend is visible in the language policy implemented by the authorities at various levels in Ukraine, including changes within official proper names. The article analyzes the latest changes in the names of selected cities in Ukraine. Marcin Kojder Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 171 181 10.15290/sw.2023.23.10 Oficerowie armii rosyjskiej w oczach generała Anatolija Rosenshilda von Paulina. Дневники: Воспоминания о кампании 1914–1915 годов The article is devoted to the issue of the linguistic image of the world in the memoir of General Anatolij Rosenshild von Paulin. The author recalls who General Anatoly Rosenshild von Paulin was. She discusses pragmalinguistic and linguistic means by which the image of the officers of the Russian army is created. Descriptions of the officers’ behavior in specific situations are provided, as well as examples of evaluative vocabulary from A. Rosenshild von Paulin’s opinions about the officers. The author considers various reasons why the image of the officers is negative. She comes to the conclusion that the image of the officers presented in the analyzed text is not objective. Grażyna Mańkowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 183 198 10.15290/sw.2023.23.11 Język wobec rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę. Na materiale języka polskiego i rosyjskiego The study presents a small excerpt of recent Polish and Russian lexis that relates to the war in Ukraine in 2022. The collection of neologisms collected by the author consists of word -forming derivatives, neosemantisms, new phraseologisms and expressions, transformations of cultural texts, synonyms (including quasi -synonyms) and value -laden words and expressions created in Ukraine. The lexical material presented here comes mainly from online sources (online news, social media, blogs). Jolanta Miturska-Bojanowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 199 223 10.15290/sw.2023.23.12 Stereotypowy wizerunek kobiety i mężczyzny w rosyjskojęzycznych tekstach medialnych Stereotypes are an essential part of everyone’s perceptions and judgments in modern culture. A stereotype is a component of the linguistic image of the world, an element of the linguistic and cultural code. The purpose of this article is to present and discuss the linguistic determinants of the stereotypical image of men and women in modern Russian society. The research material was taken from media messages and various texts from the Russian-language Internet. The method of linguistic analysis used made it possible to isolate 62 stereotypes, which were described in structural and semantic terms. The beliefs about women and men discussed in the article confirm the existence of a stereotypical way of knowing the world in the Russian community. Joanna Nawacka Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 225 243 10.15290/sw.2023.23.13 Perswazja w opisach promocyjnych poradników uzdrowiciela Vadima Tschenzego Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza opisów promocyjnych poradników, przetłumaczonych z języka rosyjskiego na polski, autorstwa Vadima Tschenzego. W charakterze materiału egzemplifikacyjnego wykorzystano opisy marketingowe dostępne na stronie internetowej polskiego wydawnictwa Studio Astropsychologii. Opisy promocyjne (zawierające często fragmenty książek) potraktowane zostały jako rodzaj reklamy, czyli komunikat, w którym istotną rolę odgrywa perswazja. Przeprowadzona analiza dowiodła, iż aby osiągnąć pożądany cel, nadawca tekstu (reklamodawca) wykorzystuje wszystkie kluczowe mechanizmy oddziaływania na odbiorcę: mechanizm emocjonalizacji odbioru, mechanizm wspólnoty świata i języka, mechanizm symplifikacji rozkładu wartości, mechanizm odbioru bezalternatywnego. Joanna Rybarczyk-Dyjewska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 245 264 10.15290/sw.2023.23.14 Фразеологическая картина мира в русских медиатекстах (на материале Газетного корпуса русского языка) The article analyzes the most frequent, popular phraseological units that appear in the National Media Corpus. The aim of the study is to determine the quantitative and qualitative nature of these phraseological units, paying attention to their connotative aspect and modality. As the analysis showed, all phraseological units are characterized by expressiveness, but the connotative aspects of appraisal, emotionality, and expressiveness manifest themselves in different ways. The vast majority have a connotative aspect of appraisal, but negative appraisal prevails. Moreover, it should be noted that most of the analyzed phraseological units have an objective assessment, since their use corresponds to their dictionary meaning. Joanna Wasiluk Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 265 280 10.15290/sw.2023.23.15 Проблема художественности документального кино. На материале фильма Анджея Чарнецкого Крысолов The article examines the issue of the relationship between “artistic value” and “documentary” in the film mentioned in the title. The creative reinterpretation of reality, achieved through the purposeful visual organization of the documentary film, is understood as an expression of the director’s authorial position. The author of the article also attempts to identify the aesthetic dominants of A. Charnetsky’s film and demonstrate its semantic significance, which is conveyed through the metaphorization of the reality captured on film. Natalia Kaźmierczak Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 281 289 10.15290/sw.2023.23.16 Performatywność płci w filmie Człowiek, który wszystkich zaskoczył Nataszy Mierkułowej i Aleksieja Czupowa The article analyses Natasha Merkulova and Aleksey Chupov’s The Man Who Surprised Everyone (2018) in light of the theoretical assumptions of Judith Butler on gender performativity and – in broader terms – performativity itself. The text draws attention to the corporeality of the characters’ bodies, their somatic ways of expression: gestures, facial expressions, posture, and behaviours, but also their clothing and make -up, and their possible meanings, with a particular interest in the transformation taking place within the main character (the huntsman Yegor). The article’s aim is to make an attempt at the investigation and interpretation of the performative and corporeal (often subversive) acts within the film, which influence the perception of the main character by the conservative rural community. Piotr Wąsala Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 291 307 10.15290/sw.2023.23.17 XXIII Międzynarodowa i Ogólnopolska Konferencja Onomastyczna „Onomastyka kulturowa” Elżbieta Bogdanowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 23 309 317 10.15290/sw.2023.23.18