Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie <p>„Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie” – rocznik naukowy poświęcony zagadnieniom języka i literatury narodów wschodniosłowiańskich oraz dyscyplin pokrewnych takich jak kulturoznawstwo, komunikacja interkulturowa, translatoryka, komparatystyka polsko-wschodniosłowiańska. Publikujemy artykuły z językoznawstwa teoretycznego i stosowanego, w ujęciu synchronicznym i diachronicznym, teorii i historii literatury, krytyki literackiej, a także prace o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym. Oprócz artykułów naukowych, w czasopiśmie są zamieszczane recenzje publikacji krajowych i zagranicznych oraz sprawozdania z wydarzeń naukowych. Redakcja czasopisma dużą wagę przywiązuje do umiędzynarodowienia wyników badań. Teksty są publikowane w językach wschodniosłowiańskich, języku polskim i angielskim.</p> <p>Czasopismo „Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie” jest ujęte w ministerialnym wykazie punktowanych czasopism naukowych od 2010 r. Aktualna punktacja to 40 pkt.</p> Uniwersytet w Białymstoku pl-PL Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 1642-557X Рецепцiя Варшави князем Василем-Костянтином Острозьким у романi Шестиднев, або Корона дому Острозьких Петра Кралюка The article analyzes the topos ofWarsaw in the historical novel Six Days, or the Crown of the Ostrozky House by modern Ukrainian writer Petro Kralyuk. The capital of Poland is depicted from the point of view of the main character of the work – Prince Vasyl-Konstantin Ostrozky. It is established that from the 16th century Warsaw was one of the key cities of the newly created state – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Ostrozky was forced to visit it quite often. It was found that the above-mentioned city was perceived negatively for Vasyl-Konstantin. This fact is explained by the numerous personal and national losses that, in one way or another, affected Warsaw. The author’s means of tracing the image of the Polish capital (the status of the city, natural resources, colors, landscape, its connection with historical events and figures) are traced. It is emphasized that one of the sections of P. Kralyuk’s work has an eloquent title Black color. Warsaw. Due to paratextuality, the opposition of this part of the Six Days to other chapters of the novel (Color of Gray. Kyiv, Color of Yellow. Derman) is emphasized. Андрiй Чмир Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 7 21 10.15290/sw.2022.22.01 Чтение в мире без книг. О литературе в Манараге Владимира Сорокина The paper is an attempt to interpret the metaliterary aspect of Vladimir Sorokin’s novel titled Manaraga. Thorough analysis of the text has revealed the postmodern understanding of literary activity as the pivotal element of Sorokin’s narration. Thus, the narrator along with his words do not represent reality but create it in an almost divine manner. The interpretation also suggests that the novel has an underlying message seeping from its every page – cognition and reading are inextricably connected. Moreover, deep cognition needs a plurality of ideas/views/points of view, which is present only in a world in which books are read and not consumed. Mateusz Jaworski Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 23 32 10.15290/sw.2022.22.02 Tutoring według Dymowów (Сергей Кузнецов Учитель Дымов) The subject of the considerations is the free-time educational activity of the protagonists of Sergey Kuznetsov’s novel, which can be considered as an example of both scientific and developmental tutoring. The writer, using the genre of the family saga, through the fate of Vladimir, Valery and Andrei, shows one hundred years from the history of Russia in the context of the influence of politics on an individual’s life. Fear of power, rebellion against it, or, finally, disappointment with the current social situation become an incentive for the characters to seek alternative forms of fulfillment. Tutoring is therefore a form of escapism from reality, and its implementation reflects the spirit of the times in which the Dymovs live. Liliana Kalita Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 33 43 10.15290/sw.2022.22.03 О времени детей и подростков (Е. Водолазкин Брисбен, Н. Дашевская Около музыки) The purpose of the article is to consider the influence of music education on the organization of the time of children and adolescents, to emphasize the educational role of music in the period of growing up. “Children’s” fragments of E. Vodolazkin’s novel Brisbane and a collection of stories by the children’s writer N. Dashevskaya About Music, with reference to her other books, are analyzed. The subject becomes a cross-cutting motif of music, which holds together the artistic whole of the texts. It participates in the construction of plots, organization of the system of characters, influences the structural characteristics and lexical composition of texts. The importance of the musical motif lies in presenting to readers the relationship “teacher (master) – student” as a realization of the teenagers’ need for authority. Tatiana Kopac Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 45 61 10.15290/sw.2022.22.04 Донецьк як гетеротопiя в сучаснiй украïнськiй мiлiтарнiй прозi Modern Ukrainian prose reflects the realities of Russo-Ukrainian war that has been in progress for over eight years. One of the aspects is the life of average citizens in the occupied territories. Donetsk used to be a well-off Ukrainian metropolis. Today, it is the capital of an unrecognized republic, the territory of anarchy. The article leans on Baby Daughter by Tamara Duda (alias Seed of a Walnut) and Long Hours by Volodymyr Rafieienko to outline the specificity of representing Donetsk as heterotopia at conceptual, discourse and chronotope levels, as well as at the level of separate ways to narrativise the artistic world of the story. Iрина Кропивко Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 63 78 10.15290/sw.2022.22.05 Провiнцiйний свiт у творчостi Бруно Шульца як елемент авторськоï концепцiï Bruno Schulz is one of the most original creators of Polish culture of the first half of the 20th century. Recently, interest in Bruno Schultz’s creative work has been growing all over the world. The literary works by Bruno Schulz clearly confirm that his artistic creativity is characterized by extraordinariness in everything: both in the context of artistic works and the author’s concept and the artistic reflection of reality. The writer chooses such characters, such dramatic situations, which allow him to unravel his creative ideas with the greatest expressiveness and evidence, to realize his author’s concept. The provincial world of Shultz’s works, his “special province”, as an element of the author’s concept, is represented in scientific studies through the lens of several elements: topographical, linguistic, “characteristic” (images of the characters), the element of numerous details, etc. The dilogy of short stories has been chosen as the source base: “Cinnamon Shops” and “Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass”, as well as several works that were not included in the first editions of these collections. The analysis of Bruno Schulz’s authorial concept contributes to a deeper and more complete understanding of the features of Bruno Schulz’s creation of a unique, artistic world, as well as the features of the artist’s way of perceiving and mastering real reality with its subsequent transformation into an artistic reality. Bruno Schulz tried to overcome the mediocrity destined for him by fate, to go beyond the boundaries of his “region of heresy”, while remaining himself – a Galician Jew, a classic of Polish literature, a singer of a special Ukrainian “secret” province, the symbolic mystical portrait of which, according to researchers, he had left to posterity. Наталя Маторiна Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 79 98 10.15290/sw.2022.22.06 Концепция времени и события в романе Григория Служителя Дни Савелия The aim of this article is to study the chronotope (relation between time and space) and literary time diversity in contemporary Russian literature on the basis of Grigoriy Sluzhitel’s The Savely’s Days. Martin Heidegger’s concept of event (Ereignis) related to the temporal structure of the text is analysed as well. Different configurations of literature time were described. The author examined: 1) real historical time on a social scale; 2) lifetime of a particular person; 3) time of everyday life divided into periods of work and recovery; 4) idyllic time as well as a period of crisis; 5) one’s inner perception of time, including memories and the oneiric time. It was discovered that the borders between different layers of time in The Savely’s Days, Sluzhitel’s first novel, are conditional and permeable. Time in the novel is not only a category of literature, but one of the most significant concepts, as it becomes an object of the main character’s (cat Savely’s) reflection. In addition, the issue of memory and memories as well as literary time-space relations was analysed. Svetlana Pavlenko Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 99 115 10.15290/sw.2022.22.07 O czasie (nie)wolnym Poliny Żerebcowej na podstawie świadectwa Mrówka w słoiku. Dzienniki czeczeńskie 1994–2004 The article attempts to analyze the unique testimony “Ant in a glass jar. Chechen diaries of 1994–2004” by Polina Zherebtsova from the point of view of the category of free time. The diary, which is an important supplement of mainly novel and reportage narrations about the war in Chechnya, is at the same time a testimony inscribed in the international circle of war diaries, especially children’s ones. From this point of view, the analysis of leisure time conducted from the point of view of everyday practice of recording what is around allows us to confirm the recurrence of certain mechanisms and behaviors in limit situations. In turn, the protractedness of the Russian-Chechen conflict influences the fact that between the periods of intense warfare there are also those when there is relative peace and normality, which translates into limited, but definitely individualized practices of spending leisure time. Beata Pawletko Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 117 130 10.15290/sw.2022.22.08 Muzyczność (w) poezji. W kręgu Mickiewiczowskim i Moniuszkowskim Andrzej Hejmej, in one of his books devoted to the relationship between literature and music, poses important questions, namely “How does literature seduce music? And at the same time, how does music use literature? Why music pieces adapt works of literature? How do they coexist?”. The author also adds that “these questions only seem to be easy, but there is no universal answer.” The abovementioned issues are the subject of the present article. The research is conducted from the perspective of literary studies, including genological and, most importantly, versificational issues. The notions of musicality and vocality, which stem from linguistic order and are present in the work of the poets from the circle of Mickiewicz, which were adopted by Stanisław Moniuszko in his music, also seem to be important in this context. The article focuses on texts by poets who are not frequently analysed from this perspective, such as Jan Czeczot, Aleksander Chodźko, Antoni Kolankowski, Teofil Lenartowicz, Józef Massalski, Wincenty Pol, Jan Prusinowski, Władysław Syrokomla, Stefan Witwicki, Jan Zachariasiewicz, Józef Bohdan Zaleski. Anna Tryksza Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 131 150 10.15290/sw.2022.22.09 Apokalipsa po rosyjsku (Dmitrij Głuchowski, Outpost) The subject of the analysis is the novel Outpost and Outpost 2 by Dmitry Glukhovsky. In this work, the author draws on post-apocalyptic roots and outlines a vision of Russia after the catastrophe – the civil war, which made Russia only formally exist as a state. Unlike the classic post-apocalyptic works in which we already observe a solidified “new world”, Glukhovsky focuses on the process of its creation – an element omitted in “mature” post-apocalyptic literature – mainly from the sociological point of view. The emphasis on the social aspect in combination with the political dimension makes the novel go beyond the scope of popular literature. It is also a painful, dystopian reflection on the projected future of Russia – a country which, according to the author, has not managed to break out of the vicious circle of utopian mania for greatness. Aleksandra Zywert Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 151 168 10.15290/sw.2022.22.10 Смислотворча функцiя архаïзмiв вiршiв Данила Братковського у перекладi Валерiя Шевчука The semantic loading of archaisms in Ukrainian translations of Danylo Bratkowskyi’s poems by Valerii Shewchuk is analyzed in the article. They are separated from another layer of outdated vocabulary – historicisms in modern language. Their belonging to different groups is indicated in terms of structure and content. Taking into account the structure of archaisms, we distinguish stylistic, morphological, word-formation, phonetic and lexical groups. Semantically we should consider that there are complete and superficial archaisms, so they perform different functions in the translated text and in the original text. In the publication attention is paid to the level of adequacy and equivalence of translated baroque poetry. The prospects of translation of the ancient text with the use of archaisms are determined. Among the words-realities in the Ukrainian versions of Bratkowskyi’s poems we identify historicisms and a small group of archaisms consonant with them, which either have synonymous equivalents in modern Ukrainian or had them not so long ago, in the 20th century. Very often this type of vocabulary refers to public positions, professions, household items, etc. In this case the technique of archaizing the text is fully justified, as it conveys the spirit of antiquity and reproduces the linguistic richness of the ancient kingdom of Poland, which consisted of several nations and which is no longer on the world map. The most common group are archaisms of the classical type, which are divided into subgroups by the nature of creation. In Ukrainian translations of Bratkowskyi we find their phonetic, morphological, word-forming and semantic variations. Regardless of the type of creation, all these obsolete words are used for a single purpose – imitation of the Baroque epoch, from which we are separated by three centuries. Word-forming and lexical archaisms predominate among them. Most of them perform the superficial function of archaizing the text without significantly changing its content. To the individual translation style we assign so-called pseudo-realities and pseudo-archaisms, which, thanks to the preserved transcription of words from the original transfer of Polish words to the Ukrainian lexical ground, gain an old-fashioned flavour. The number of such authorial interpretations is very significant, so they must be allocated to a separate group. Descriptive translation in this case would be most appropriate and equivalent to the original texts. It can be concluded, on the basis of the conducted research, that archaisms are one of the most numerous groups of vocabulary in Ukrainian translations of Danylo Bratkowskyi’s Polish language poetry. Phonetic and lexical (semantic) archaic groups predominate among them and are significantly widespread due to the translator’s creation of his own words that correspond to the Polish original definitions through transcription. We can define this individuality as a tendency for polonization of speech that is often characteristic of dialectal vocabulary. Олена Бай Ольга Яручик Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 169 179 10.15290/sw.2022.22.11 Z zagadnień opisu leksykograficznego polskiej terminologii prawosławnej – wariantywność wyrazów hasłowych The article is devoted to the problems of variationality in the lexicographic description of the terms of Polish Orthodoxy. On the basis of existing definitions of linguistic variants and keyword variants, the variants of words forming entries in the Dictionary of Polish Orthodox Terminology are discussed. The dictionary was compiled by a team of theologians and linguists at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Bialystok. The analysis of the source material shows that the variant nature of the terms is revealed at the phonetic, inflectional and word-formation levels. These phenomena are a manifestation of the richness of the Orthodox lexicon, genetically diverse and documenting the multiplicity of ways of borrowing the terms that make it up (Greek, Old Church Slavonic, East Slavic languages, Polish). Lilia Citko Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 181 190 10.15290/sw.2022.22.12 Rok 1848. Język rosyjski „wchodzi” do ksiąg metrykalnych Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w dekanacie grodzieńskim The Russian language, after its forced entry into the record books of the Roman Catholic Church in the former territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth incorporated into the Russian Empire during the post-partition period, was used for nearly 70 years (in Grodno parishes from 1848). The introduction of this language caused changes in the content and structure of record acts as well as in personal nomenclature. The Polish language gradually began to “return” to the administration of the Roman Catholic Church, including the record books of Grodno parishes, after Poland regained independence. Leonarda Dacewicz Robert Szymula Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 191 211 10.15290/sw.2022.22.13 Полiвекторнiсть життєтворчостi Станiслава Монюшка: украïнський сегмент The article reveals the combination of factors (Polish, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Russian, and most deeply – Ukrainian) that played a crucial role in the life and creative work of Stanisław Moniuszko. He was the father of Polish national opera. Emphasis was put on the place of Ukraine in the biography of Polish creative figures – Adam Mickiewicz and Karol Szymanowski, whose lives were closely connected with the region of Cherkasy. The activity of the creative tandem: Moniuszko – Mickiewicz is also analysed, as well as relations of the Polish composer with the Russian ones of Ukrainian or Polish origin. The variety of genres in Moniuszko’s musical heritage and the forms of its presentation in Ukraine were also discussed. Ludmyła Romaszczenko Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 213 222 10.15290/sw.2022.22.14 Romanse Aleksandry Masłowskiej. Technologie cyfrowe „w służbie” solowego wykonawstwa utworów muzycznych The article presents innovative research – with the use of digital technologies – in the field of vocal interpretation of poetic texts – three poems by Czesław Miłosz, translated into Russian, to which Aleksandra Masłowska-Smirnova from Kaliningrad, a composer of the young generation, composed music, defining the genre of the composition as romances. The romances were composed for a specific person, Fr. Zbigniew Stępniak with a rare basso profondo voice. Due to the significant scale of performance difficulties, compositions based on the poems of Cz. Miłosz became the subject of an experiment aimed at facilitating the execution process. The aim of the article was to describe an innovative experiment carried out during a scientific internship at the Studio für Stimmforschung at the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden and to professionally interpret the results of the research. The author shares his own experiences, which young performers of compositions based on emotionally saturated poetic texts will be able to use. The remarks on translation devices included in the text were related to the purpose of poetic texts for writing compositions and solo performances. Zbigniew Stępniak Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 223 235 10.15290/sw.2022.22.15 Татьяна Викторовна Ицкович, Жанровая система религиозного стиля: Монография. Москва: Флинта, 2021, 400 с. (Научные дискуссии) Aleksander Gadomski Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 237 239 10.15290/sw.2022.22.16 Петровић, Срђан Р. Лексика из сфере православне духовности у савременом руском и српском jезику: лексичко-семантички, лексикографски и лингвокултуролошки аспекти. Докторска дисертациjа. Београд: Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Београду, 2022. 590 с. Aleksander Gadomski Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 240 242 10.15290/sw.2022.22.17 Leonarda Dacewicz, Jolanta Chomko, Robert Szymula, Księgi metrykalne chrztów Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego dekanatu białostockiego z II połowy XIX wieku. Treść i struktura metryk. Alfabetyczne spisy imienne, t. 3, Rok 1885, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2020, ss. 314. Michał Mordań Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 242 252 10.15290/sw.2022.22.18 Конференцiя в Бiлостоцi. I трохи про академiчну мобiльнiсть Lyudmyla Romashchenko Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 253 255 10.15290/sw.2022.22.19 Wspomnienie o Panu Profesorze Janie Czykwinie Joanna Dziedzic Anna Sakowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 22 257 262 10.15290/sw.2022.22.20