The evolution of translation standards as illustrated by the history of Polish translations of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Monika Roszkowska

The University of Warsaw, Poland


The aim of this article is to outline the most characteristic changes in translation standards which have occurred since the late 19th century. It examines the strategies used by three Polish translators of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë: Emilia Dobrzańska (1880-1881), Teresa Świderska (1930) and Gabriela Jaworska (2007). The earliest translation is more of an adaptation than a faithful rendering; it also makes frequent use of domestication (e.g. most proper names are translated into Polish). The other two translations apply foreignization more often, in particular the most recent one, and are closer to the original both in form and meaning.


translation, Polish, English, Jane Eyre, foreignization, domestication



Roszkowska, M. (2013) “The evolution of translation standards as illustrated by the history of Polish translations of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë”, Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, (2). doi: 10.15290/cr.2013.02.04.

Monika Roszkowska 
The University of Warsaw, Poland