BAJ is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic  yearly appearing  regularly since 2000.  Initially a journal publishing works by Białystok-based linguists, BAJ expanded its scope to reach the national level. Now a forum for scholars specialising primarily in Polish Studies, BAJ provides an academic platform for  linguists to present their research findings, exchange ideas, share experiences and research results, explore opportunities for collaboration and  recognize outstanding achievements within their scientific community. Although the journal’s main focus in on Polish Studies and Polish linguistics, BAJ also welcomes contributions from various subdisciplines of linguistic studies, to be published in special issues. To enhance the international impact, BAJ also appears online  in its electronic version.  The journal is indexed in the following databases:  ERIH PLUS, ICI Journals Master,  CEEOL, CEJSH, EBSCO ULTIMATE, Google Scholar Citations, and PBN.


Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze has been initiated by the Polish philologists from the Department of Philology at the University of Białystok as an annual since 2010 and a semi-annual since 2015. The journal presents scholarly works on the history of Polish and foreign literature, literary theory and methodology of literary studies, in addition to comparative studies and literary criticism. We are also open to articles that combine such disciplines as cultural studies, linguistics, humanities geography, history, philosophy or sociology.

The journal is registered on the list of the Ministry of Education and Science (70 pts) and indexed in the following databases: SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO (Humanities Source Ultimate, EBSCO Discovery Service), CEEOL, CEJSH, CROSSREF, GOOGLE SCHOLAR.


Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies is an open-access, peer-reviewed electronic quarterly for research in the broad areas of English language, linguistics and Anglophone literature, published by the University of Białystok (Poland). It welcomes contributions from all subdisciplines of linguistics (theoretical and applied) and literary studies (literary theory and literary criticism). It also provides a forum for contrastive (cross-linguistic, cross-cultural) and interdisciplinary research in the areas of linguistics, literature, cultural studies, and intercultural communication.

Crossroads does not charge any publication fees to authors or their institutions. We publish 4 issues per year; papers (research papers and review articles) can be submitted all year long. For information about the manuscript format and the review process, please go to section For Authors. Crossroads uses double-blind peer review. The review process usually takes up to 12 weeks. The average number of weeks between submission and publication is 18.


Aims and Scope

The annual academic journal Linguodidactica presents a forum for linguistic and foreign language teaching research of all kinds: selected problems of synchronous, diachronic, theoretical and applied linguistics (including theoretical and practical translation studies, terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, history of language, onomastics, cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, functional grammar), as well as teaching foreign languages (at all stages of education using traditional and new teaching/learning methods, and taking into account intra- and interlingual interference). Articles can be in the form of both language proficiency comparatives and texts of an applied character. Studies published in Linguodidactica reflect the latest linguistic trends in the linguistic paradigm of the 21st century, as well as an interdisciplinary approach to teaching methods.

We publish 1 issue per year. The journal does not charge fees for submitting materials, for editorial work or for the publication of texts. The journal does not pay fees to the authors of articles.

Linguodidactica is indexed in the list of journals of the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland (40pts).

University of Bialystok Press
15-245 Białystok, ul. Ciołkowskiego 1M, pok. 1049, 1051, 1053
tel. 85 745 71 20


"Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie" - a scientific yearly devoted to the issues of the language and literature of the East Slavic nations and related disciplines such as cultural studies, intercultural communication, translation studies, Polish-East Slavic comparative studies. We publish articles on theoretical and applied linguistics, in a synchronic and diachronic perspective, theory and history of literature, literary criticism, as well as works of an interdisciplinary nature. In addition to scientific articles, the journal publishes reviews of domestic and foreign publications and reports on scientific events. The editors of the journal attach great importance to the internationalization of research results. The texts are published in East Slavic, Polish and English.

The journal „Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie” has been included in the ministerial list of scored scientific journals since 2010. The current score is 40 points.