Advertising linguistic framework: An instrument for teaching grammar in EFL university classrooms

Taofeek O. Dalamu

Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria

Dr. Taofeek O. Dalamu, a Senior Lecturer, obtained a Ph.D. in English Language from the University of Lagos. As a faculty member, he currently teaches English at the Department of English and Literary Studies, Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria. This individual specialises in Systemic Functional Linguistics, as applicable to Discourse Analysis, Multimodality, Social Semiotics, and Digital Humanities in relation, mostly, to advertising communications. As a functional social semiotician, Dr. Dalamu exhibits a variety of over two scores of publications in reputable international journals across the globe. See:

Ke Yang

Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing, China PR

Dr. Ke Yang obtained a Ph.D. (Ed.D.) in English Education from Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong; and M.A. English Linguistics at University of Nottingham. However, he teaches cross-cultural communication and advanced English reading at the College of English, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing, China PR, East Asia. Some of his publications are available at:


This study explored the employment of advertising texts as tools for teaching grammar to foreign learners of English, as their constituent organisation is assumed to enhance the understanding of some grammatical details. Ten advertisements of beverages, banks, telecommunications, condiments, cream, and soap served as the research material. After the application of the grammar of interaction to the communicative components, the tables and graphs functioned to calibrate the grammatical mnemonics and semantic resources of the clauses. This study analysed the use of orthographic clauses, Six Countries, Six Voices, and One Song; alphanumeric clauses, Dial *966*911# to stop debit transactions on your account; and compounding, DataPlus, Smartphone as qualities of advertising. One also observed novel constructions such as EazyBanking and Souper; acronyms, as in UBA United Bank for Africa; and hash-tag as in #EachForE- qual, as well as the deployment of interspersed and splintered grammatical entities such as Starting from 17:59, Olympic Gold Medalist, Cheers to those who came before us and Pledge to drink right. The authors suggest that applications of the textual devices characteristic of advertising in the university classroom might en- courage learners to practise the grammar of English.


advertising, grammar, interaction, mood, teaching

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Dalamu, T. O. und Yang, K. (2022) „Advertising linguistic framework: An instrument for teaching grammar in EFL university classrooms“, Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, (38). doi: 10.15290/CR.2022.38.3.04.

Taofeek O. Dalamu 
Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria

Dr. Taofeek O. Dalamu, a Senior Lecturer, obtained a Ph.D. in English Language from the University of Lagos. As a faculty member, he currently teaches English at the Department of English and Literary Studies, Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria. This individual specialises in Systemic Functional Linguistics, as applicable to Discourse Analysis, Multimodality, Social Semiotics, and Digital Humanities in relation, mostly, to advertising communications. As a functional social semiotician, Dr. Dalamu exhibits a variety of over two scores of publications in reputable international journals across the globe. See:
Ke Yang 
Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing, China PR

Dr. Ke Yang obtained a Ph.D. (Ed.D.) in English Education from Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong; and M.A. English Linguistics at University of Nottingham. However, he teaches cross-cultural communication and advanced English reading at the College of English, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing, China PR, East Asia. Some of his publications are available at: