Unseized opportunity. Respelling of English words in L1 Polish textbooks
Elżbieta Awramiuk
University of Białystok, PolandElżbieta Awramiuk is a professor of linguistics at the University of Białystok. Her research concentrates on knowledge about language in education, as well as phonology and spelling of the contemporary Polish language. She is a founding member of ARLE (International Association for Research in L1 Education) and she is engaged in the Special Interest Group Research Educational Linguistics (SIG EduLing). She has participated in several research projects focused on the early literacy development and assessment, and linguistic aspects of learning to read and write.
Michał Citko
University of Białystok, PolandMichał Citko is a doctoral student at the University of Białystok. He is interested in the relationship between perception and production of speech in first and second language acquisition. His doctoral thesis will concern articulatory awareness in learning Polish as a foreign language. He is a foreign language teacher of English and Polish.
The purpose of this study is to present the results of an analysis of several Polish textbooks, popular in primary schools (grades 4-6, age 10-13), to demonstrate how Polish textbooks give the pronunciation of English words. Authors of textbooks use their native orthographic convention for sound form signalization called respelling. It is a simple and convenient strategy for indicating pronunciation more accurately than normal spelling. However, respelling of English words poses some problems related to the use of L1 alphabet for decoding foreign language sounds, such as domestication or omitting relevant phonetic information. Another problem concerns the indistinct separation of the two forms of language – written and spoken – due to the use of letters for signalling sound form. L1 classes create a perfect opportunity for students to develop their linguistic awareness. This opportunity, however, does not seem to be fully embraced by the authors of the textbooks. Generally, there is a lack of wellthought- out solutions aimed at the orthoepic competence concerning phonetic transcription conventions. Thus, some ways of clarification of how the sounds of spoken language are represented in written form are proposed.Schlagworte:
primary school, textbook analysis, sound form signalization, respelling, linguistic awarenessLiteraturhinweise
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University of Białystok, Poland
Elżbieta Awramiuk is a professor of linguistics at the University of Białystok. Her research concentrates on knowledge about language in education, as well as phonology and spelling of the contemporary Polish language. She is a founding member of ARLE (International Association for Research in L1 Education) and she is engaged in the Special Interest Group Research Educational Linguistics (SIG EduLing). She has participated in several research projects focused on the early literacy development and assessment, and linguistic aspects of learning to read and write.
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1769-7265University of Białystok, Poland
Michał Citko is a doctoral student at the University of Białystok. He is interested in the relationship between perception and production of speech in first and second language acquisition. His doctoral thesis will concern articulatory awareness in learning Polish as a foreign language. He is a foreign language teacher of English and Polish.