Subjectification and intersubjectification in the analysis of the Polish adverb niestety ‘unfortunately/ regrettably’

Agnieszka Piórkowska

Łomża State University of Applied Sciences


The present article aims at summarizing the results of the corpus-based study of the semanto-syntactic behaviour of the emotionally-loaded Polish adverb niestety ‘unfortunately/regrettably’. It will be claimed that the different uses of niestety are governed by the processes of subjectification, both at the synchronic and diachronic level. Such a perspective also allows us to explain the intersubjective senses in which this highly grammaticalized adverb is sometimes used in Polish.


subjectification, intersubjectification, emotional attitude, adverbs, modality

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Piórkowska, A. (2017) „Subjectification and intersubjectification in the analysis of the Polish adverb niestety ‘unfortunately/ regrettably’“, Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, (17), S. 9–29. doi: 10.15290/cr.2017.17.2.01.

Agnieszka Piórkowska 
Łomża State University of Applied Sciences