Race, space and post-colonial landscape in Bernard Malamud’s The Tenants

Magdalena Klimiuk

Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Economics in Warsaw


The following article presents strategies for decolonizing complex ethno-racial and social relationships between Jewish and black characters within a restricted, multifaceted area of a decaying tenement in Bernard Malamud’s The Tenants. This interpretation is concerned with finding features of post-colonial discourse such as the representation of the characters in dichotomous terms: the colonized/colonizer, the observed/the observer, superior/inferior. It focuses on the analysis of the main characters’ different methods of dominating the ‘space or subjectivity’ of each other through surveillance, mimicry and appropriation.


stereotype, power, space, colonized, colonizer, writing, Jews, African-Americans

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Klimiuk, M. (2016) „Race, space and post-colonial landscape in Bernard Malamud’s The Tenants“, Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, (13), S. 13–21. doi: 10.15290/cr.2016.13.2.02.

Magdalena Klimiuk 
Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Economics in Warsaw