The TUNJO battery as a predictor of phonetic ability: A survey among English Philology students
Grażyna Gorbacz-Dailida
University of Białystok, PolandGrażyna Gorbacz-Dailida is a PhD student of Linguistics in the Doctoral School in the
Humanities at the University of Białystok. Her research interests include psycholinguistics,
cognitive learner individual differences, and suprasegmental phonetics.
Some learners are more successful in foreign language mastering than others. Among the plausible explanations discussed in the literature (Carroll 1981; Skehan 1991; Dörnyei 2005; Stansfield & Reed 2019; Griffiths & Soruç 2020), the concept of foreign language aptitude (FLA) is regarded as one of the key factors that can influence or predict learners’ success in the process of foreign language acquisition. The present pilot quantitative study aims to assess the extent to which learners’ level of foreign language aptitude can be correlated to their general phonological ability based on the example of first-year MA English Philology students (N=10). To assess the students’ level of aptitude, the Polish adaptation of the Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT), called the Test of Aptitude for the Learning of Foreign Languages (Test Uzdolnień do Nauki Języków Obcych – TUNJO), was used. On the other hand, to measure their level of phonetic ability, the test, which focused on several chosen areas covered during practical and theoretical phonetics classes during the BA programme, was constructed and submitted to the group. The quantitative data gathered throughout those two stages were subsequently analysed and interpreted. The results obtained revealed no significant correlation between the students’ level of aptitude and their general phonetic ability. Other individual differences and affective factors in language learning, alongside the structure of the measuring tools and the measurement itself, may justify the apparent lack of correlation.
Mots-clés :
foreign language aptitude, phonological ability, aptitude testing, achievement testing, correlational analysisRéférences
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University of Białystok, Poland
Grażyna Gorbacz-Dailida is a PhD student of Linguistics in the Doctoral School in the
Humanities at the University of Białystok. Her research interests include psycholinguistics,
cognitive learner individual differences, and suprasegmental phonetics.