Meaning in multisemiotic messages – functions of gestures accompanying speech as elements of utterance structure
Izabela Kraśnicka
Jagiellonian University, PolandIzabela Kraśnicka is an Assistant Professor at the Communication Theory Department of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University. The author’s research interests focus primarily on gestures accompanying speech, their role in creating and transmitting meanings, as well as gestural phraseology as a category illustrating relations that combine two semiotic modes – speech and gesture – into a semantic whole. She is the author of the book Mówiące ciało [the talking body], in which the issue of the cognitive view of the Polish language phraseology is discussed.
The topic of the article will be the discussion of the issue of how gestures accompanying speech may complement a gap in a statement. The considerations will cover particular ways of filling such a gap, both semantically and taking into account the place of the gesture in the syntactic structure of the sentence. The subject of interest will be the analysis of spontaneous statements of interlocutors, which will allow for the isolation of word-gesture wholes; it will likewise describe the relationship between the two modes ahead of recounting the functions of gestures in the structure of the entire utterance. The analysis is based on commentaries from one of the journalistic programs hosting politicians in Poland.
Słowa kluczowe:
gestures accompanying speech, multisemiotic, embodiment of meaning, metaphoric gesturesBibliografia
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Jagiellonian University, Poland
Izabela Kraśnicka is an Assistant Professor at the Communication Theory Department of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University. The author’s research interests focus primarily on gestures accompanying speech, their role in creating and transmitting meanings, as well as gestural phraseology as a category illustrating relations that combine two semiotic modes – speech and gesture – into a semantic whole. She is the author of the book Mówiące ciało [the talking body], in which the issue of the cognitive view of the Polish language phraseology is discussed.