Отправка материалов

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  • Этот материал ранее не был опубликован, а также не был представлен для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (или дано объяснение этого в Комментариях для редактора).
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  • Текст набран с одинарным межстрочным интервалом; используется кегль шрифта в 12 пунктов; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (за исключением URL-адресов); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в соответствующих местах в тексте, а не в конце документа.
  • Текст соответствует стилистическим и библиографческим требованиям, описанным в Руководстве для авторов, которое можно найти на странице «О журнале».

For authors

To submit a paper, please register on our website, and then click the "Make a submission" button.

The review process

Crossroads uses double-blind peer review, which is why the authors must ensure that their name(s) and all other identifying features are removed from the paper, both from the main text and the references. The editors ensure that all papers submitted to Crossroads are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers who are experts in their fields and who are affiliated with different institutions than the authors. If the two reviewers reach opposing conclusions, a third reviewer is appointed. The review process usually takes up to 12 weeks. The average number of weeks between submission and publication is 18.

Manuscript format

All contributions should be in English. Submitted papers must be original (i.e., not published or submitted for publication elsewhere). The manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words. The preferred font is Times New Roman (12pt). The text should be single-spaced and divided into sections with appropriate headings. All tables should be titled and numbered consecutively. Examples should be given in italics and numbered consecutively. Examples in languages other than English should be followed by the English translation in single quotation marks.

Abstract and keywords

The text should be preceded by an abstract (100-150 words, summarizing the aims of the paper, its main points and findings), and 5-8 keywords.

Papers in literature and culture studies should use MLA format (9th edition): 


Papers in linguistics should use the following guidelines:


  • one author (Wierzbicka 2003: 20);
  • two authors (Huddleston & Pullum 2002: 101);
  • three or more authors (Quirk et al. 1985).

The reference section should only include the works referred to in the text. It should have the following format:


Langacker, R. W. 1991. Concept, Image, and Symbol. The Cognitive Basis of Grammar. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Blank, A. & Koch, P. (eds.). 1999. Historical Semantics and Cognition. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Book chapters:

Horn, L. R. 2004. Implicature. In: L. R. Horn & G. L. Ward (eds.), The Handbook of Pragmatics, 3-28. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Articles in journals:

Bach, K. 1994. Conversational impliciture. Mind and Language 9: 124-162.