Top Seven Polish Science Fiction Novels of the Communist Era (Lem aside)
Mariusz M. Leś
University of BiałystokАннотация
With the exception of Lem’s works, Polish science fiction of the communist era is largely forgotten. Anglo-American readers know only fragments of Lem’s literary work, and they know almost nothing about other Polish science fiction writers. The aim of this article is to familiarize Anglo-American audience with seven Polish science fiction novels written in the communist era: Farther than Hatred (Dalej niż nienawiść) by Wojciech Bieńko (1963); Aspasia (Aspazja) by Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany (1958); To Drain the Sea (Wyczerpać morze) by Jan Dobraczyński (1961); Arsenal (Arsenał) by Marek Oramus (1985); Paradisia (Paradyzja) by Janusz A. Zajdel (1984); The Robot (Robot) by Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg (1977); Imago (Imago) by Wiktor Żwikiewicz (1985).Ключевые слова:
science fiction, novel, Polish, communist eraБиблиографические ссылки
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Leś, Mariusz. 2008. Fantastyka socjologiczna. Poetyka i myślenie utopijne. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
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