Translating irony. Translation strategies and techniques used by Polish translators of Pride and Prejudice
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of two Polish translations of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The authors of the translations are Anna Przedpełska-Trzeciakowska and Magdalena Gawlik-Małkowska. Attention is given to rendering irony, which is the novel’s characteristic feature. The analysed excerpts illustrate the main translation strategies and techniques used in the Polish translations. A comparative analysis shows that techniques applicable to rendering humour and culture-bound elements can be used to translate irony as well. The Polish translations convey irony, but there are differences caused by the translators’ interpretations and by their choice of strategies and techniques. Przedpełska-Trzeciakowska often uses the strategy of foreignization, but she tries to guide the reader so that they can perceive the implicature. Gawlik-Małkowska’s translation is more literal and modern, and its irony is more covert.
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