Between Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research. Introduction to the Special Issue Linguistics for Language Teaching and Learning

Elżbieta Awramiuk

University of Białystok, Poland

Elżbieta Awramiuk is a professor of linguistics at the University of Białystok, Poland. Her research currently concentrates on knowledge about language in education, as well as on phonology and spelling in contemporary Polish. Since 2005, she has been collaborating with L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature, a Scopus indexed online peer-reviewed, multilingual journal. She is the founding member of ARLE (International Association for Research in L1 Education, formerly: IAIMTE) and she is engaged in the Special Interest Group Research Educational Linguistics (SIG EduLing). She has participated in several research projects focused on the early literacy development and assessment and linguistic aspects of learning to read and write.

Daniel Karczewski

University of Białystok, Poland

Daniel Karczewski is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Modern Languages at the University of Białystok, Poland. He holds a PhD in cognitive linguistics. His current research interest include the generic overgeneralization effect and the phenomenon of normativity. He was the prize winner of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association competition for the best Ph.D. dissertation in cognitive linguistics in 2014. He has recently published a book Generyczność w języku i w myśleniu. Studium kognitywne (Genericity in Language and Thought. A Cognitive Study).

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Awramiuk, E. et Karczewski, D. (2019) « Between Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research. Introduction to the Special Issue Linguistics for Language Teaching and Learning », Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, (24), p. 5–11. doi: 10.15290/cr.2019.24.1.01.

Elżbieta Awramiuk 
University of Białystok, Poland

Elżbieta Awramiuk is a professor of linguistics at the University of Białystok, Poland. Her research currently concentrates on knowledge about language in education, as well as on phonology and spelling in contemporary Polish. Since 2005, she has been collaborating with L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature, a Scopus indexed online peer-reviewed, multilingual journal. She is the founding member of ARLE (International Association for Research in L1 Education, formerly: IAIMTE) and she is engaged in the Special Interest Group Research Educational Linguistics (SIG EduLing). She has participated in several research projects focused on the early literacy development and assessment and linguistic aspects of learning to read and write.
Daniel Karczewski 
University of Białystok, Poland

Daniel Karczewski is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Modern Languages at the University of Białystok, Poland. He holds a PhD in cognitive linguistics. His current research interest include the generic overgeneralization effect and the phenomenon of normativity. He was the prize winner of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association competition for the best Ph.D. dissertation in cognitive linguistics in 2014. He has recently published a book Generyczność w języku i w myśleniu. Studium kognitywne (Genericity in Language and Thought. A Cognitive Study).