Understanding, Interpretation and Engagement in Translation of Political Discourse

Fatima Zohra Chouarfia

University of Mostaganem, Algeria


Building meaning implies the existence, or maybe the creation, in some cases, of a given context. Hence, context is a key element in the comprehension process. Translation as a linguistic act, based upon making ambiguous foreign language texts legible in one’s mother tongue or vice versa, relies primarily on interpretation. In fact, one’s understanding of a text depends on one’s understanding of its content as well as its context in the first place. Nevertheless, such a statement raises many questions whose answers are no Gospel truth. As a matter of fact, interpretation in the translation of political speeches is a case in point; it determines strategies to be adopted and positions to be taken as well.

Słowa kluczowe:

interpretation, translation strategies, decision-making, ideology, engagement

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Chouarfia, F. Z. (2018) „Understanding, Interpretation and Engagement in Translation of Political Discourse”, Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, (20), s. 71–82. doi: 10.15290/cr.2018.20.1.04.

Fatima Zohra Chouarfia 
University of Mostaganem, Algeria