Описание чуда явления Святой Троицы святому Александру Свирскому (на материале четырех житийных текстов)

Olga Anchimiuk

Olga Anchimiuk - Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

Vladimir Zaika

Vladimir Zaika - Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The significant differences in content, composition and word design in description of The Trinity revelation to St Alexander Svirsky can be established, firstly, according to the role, which the hagiographer was ascribing to the particular fact from the life of The Saint Monk, secondly, according to the miracles functions as a component of the general text of the appropriate hagiography and, thirdly, according to the hagiography stylistics as a whole.


the life of the saint, miracle, text, hagiography, replica


Anchimiuk, O. und Zaika, V. (2014) „Описание чуда явления Святой Троицы святому Александру Свирскому (на материале четырех житийных текстов)“, Linguodidactica, 18, S. 7–19. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2014.18.01.

Olga Anchimiuk 
Olga Anchimiuk - Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
Vladimir Zaika 
Vladimir Zaika - Uniwersytet w Białymstoku