Номинативные единицы биржевого жаргона в тематическом аспекте

Vladimir Zaika

Galina Girževa


This article addresses the stock market jargon in a thematic aspect. Economic industry-specific common slang terms are understood as the most evocative, judgmental and emotional elements of the economic terminology. The following thematic groups are most diverse and representative: actors, actions and settings/conditions/environment/context. The names of the processes are full of expression/emotionally colored. The names of the settings/conditions/environment/context and dynamic objects/subjects are characterized by the greatest semantic complexity and variety. The “motion/process/movement” is a frequency semantic sign of the professional broker’s slang; however, the sign of “motion/process/movement direction” is not relevant.

Mots-clés :

Владимир И. Заика, Галина Н. Гиржева


Zaika, V. et Girževa, G. (2012) « Номинативные единицы биржевого жаргона в тематическом аспекте », Linguodidactica, 16, p. 217–231. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2012.16.14.

Vladimir Zaika 
Galina Girževa