Марiя Малишева
Одеський нацiональний унiверситет iменi I. I. МечниковаАнотація
The paper is devoted to the study of verbal aggression realised in online discourse. The aim
of the study is to fix and describe lexical-semantic means of expressing verbal aggression in
modern Ukrainian-language online discourse, namely in the social network Facebook. The
main method of the study is the functional method, in particular, component, linguistic,
linguistic and pragmatic analyses were applied. According to the results of the analysis, the lexico-semantic means of expressing verbal aggression are considered from two
perspectives: pragmatically (invectives and obscene vocabulary and dysphemisms) and
formally (stable expressions, neologisms and ocasional transformations of anthroponyms).
These markers become manifestations of verbal aggression if they are used with the purpose
of inflicting non-physical harm to the person at whom the aggression is directed.
Ключові слова:
verbal aggression, social network discourse, aggresseme, markers of verbal aggression, lexico-semantic markersПосилання
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Одеський нацiональний унiверситет iменi I. I. Мечникова