There are many active processes which could be observed in vocabulary used in modern
Russian discourse. The reason of these processes is connected with changes in social and
political life in Russia. These changes are noticeable especially to a large extent in vocabulary
because extralinguistic factors have the largest effect on vocabulary. The aim of a present
article is to analyse semantic neologisms created by means of morphological derivation. The
lexical material was divided into three groups on the base of the way of creation of a new
Ключові слова:
discourse, political discourse, semantic neologism, morphological derivation
Szymula, R. (2014) «Семан тически е неологи змы в сов ременно м русско м поли тическо м дискурсе», Linguodidactica, 18, с. 187–202. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2014.18.15.