Reflections on the symbolism of heaven in the idiostyle of Sergei Yesenin (linguistic aspect)

Jolanta Kur-Kononowicz

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Kolegium Nauk Humanistycznych, Instytut Neofilologii, Katedra Rusycystyki


The goal of the article is an analysis of the symbolism of heaven in the idiostyle of Sergei Yesenin. The semantic-cultural method of description of the research material which constitutes the chosen fragments of Yesenin’s poems was used. Heaven is understood as a sub-field in the semantic meaning field nature. Attention was paid to the issue of symbolic archetypes, and their metaphorics conditioning a multiplicity of interpretations. Stylistic language means serving the imaging with the use of individual symbols of heaven in the idiostyle of Yesenin are described. Symbols expressed metaphorically, metonymically, with the usage of comparisons, etc. are distinguished. Heaven in the idiostyle of Yesenin symbolises: perception of the world (e.g. God’s care and love for human beings, immortality, happy life, salvation, joy of existence, prayers fervent and heard), things (e.g. a roof over the head, net, shawl, blue sand, milk of birches), phenomena and elements of nature (rain, fire), places (paradise, kingdom of heaven, tower-room), figures (Mother of God), physical phenomena (multiplicity, uncountability), birds (pigeons). Christian, religious archetypes of symbols prevail. The article introduces the proposition of the interpretation of poetic texts with the use of semantic field and sub-field analysis, including their symbolism.


symbolism of heaven, poetry, semantics, dialectisms, idiostyle, semantic field

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Kur-Kononowicz, J. (2020) “Reflections on the symbolism of heaven in the idiostyle of Sergei Yesenin (linguistic aspect)”, Linguodidactica, 24, pp. 111–128. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2020.24.09.

Jolanta Kur-Kononowicz 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Kolegium Nauk Humanistycznych, Instytut Neofilologii, Katedra Rusycystyki