Mateusz Białas
In this paper, we present the results of a study devoted to the analysis of the corpus,
which consists of lexical diastratic material of a non-standard variety of the French language:
about one hundred information sheets referred to as erotic biographies, which in turn
seem to be the most noticeable example of the genre of external pornographic discourse
today. In this case, these are biographies of X actors collected on the French-language
website: The analysis was based on the classification of
Jean-Jacques Robrieux’s figures of discourse, focusing on the clearly extensive somatic isotopy
distinguished during the study. Analyzing the individual lexemes currently functioning in
this type of discourse, we have distinguished a number of linguistic means that describe the
beauty of the “liberated” male body in a special way. Firstly, it is extensive and suggestive
lexical instruments carrying positive connotations. Secondly, it turns out that the lexical layer
of the corpus studied is marked by three interesting characteristics: the use of specialized
(anatomical) vocabulary, the presence of English borrowings and the accumulation of vocabulary
typical of the informal register of contemporary French. Thirdly, an accumulation
of two types of figures of discourse was observed, i.e. figures of thought and figures of sense,
such as metaphors, similes, and hyperboles.
aesthetic, actor, body, liberation, pornographyReferences
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