Agnieszka Dudzik

Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich


The acquisition of lexis is an important part of language learning. It is also a vital component
of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) education, as knowledge of specialised vocabulary is
considered integral to success in occupation-specific communicative activities. Expanding
professional lexis is essential to help ESP learners understand the language and concepts of
their academic or professional discipline and achieve specific communication goals. This
paper aims to discuss selected challenges of using online tools (which were subjected to
a qualitative analysis) to develop specialised lexis at the tertiary level. An outline of difficulties
in professional vocabulary learning and a review of the main characteristics of teaching ESP
are also included.


English for Specific Purposes (ESP), specialised lexis, online tools

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Dudzik, A. and Dzięcioł-Pędich, A. (2022) “ONLINE TOOLS FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDY OF SPECIALISED VOCABULARY – SELECTED CHALLENGES”, Linguodidactica, 26. Available at: (Accessed: 11 September 2024).

Agnieszka Dudzik 
Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich