Marzena Guz


This paper aimed to genetically analyse German surnames. The origin of the surnames
was established with the use of onomastic dictionaries or lexicons of place names. In the
manuscript material under examination, existing variants of the surnames were identified,
and an attempt was made to establish the source of their origin, such as the Polonisation of
the surnames. Based on two publications, it was determined whether the analysed surnames
were preserved until the 18th and 20th centuries.
These surnames are derived from: the place of origin, names of localities, given names,
names of professions and nicknames. Only six surnames have variants (alternatives). The reasons for surname variants include Polonisation, including the reduction of doubled consonants
in the rime, the omission of the silent h, metathesis and the doubling of consonants
without justification. Only six names out of 26 were preserved until the 18th century, and only
two until the 20th century.


surnames, etymology of surnames, variants of surnames, Warmia, Reszel, 16th and 17th centuries

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Guz, M. (2022) “NAZWISKA NIEMIECKIE Z RESZLA Z XVI I XVII WIEKU NA LITERY C–E”, Linguodidactica, 26. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2022.26.05.

Marzena Guz