Jarosław Karzarnowicz


In the article I discuss the problem of the translation of the biblical book of psalms into
the Church Slavonic language. Psalms 50 and 120 are of particular interest here. My goal
is to show a different, more recent view of the issue of translation from Greek to Slavonic from the earliest translations starting from Psalterium Sinaiticum and Psalterium Bononiense.
In my paper I am not interested in the way the text is translated, the degree of dependence
on Greek, but rather in certain innovations of all texts and what they can testify to.
In the analysis of the material I use issues of interpretation and textual implications. The research
material was taken from Psalterium Sinaiticum and Psalterium Bononiense, Norov
psalter, Kiev psalter and Radomir’s psalter. The results of the analysis of the material indicate
that the texts of translations can be divided into two groups: earlier texts with a high degree
of internal consistency, and inconsistencies with previous translations. The Kiev psalter and
the Radomir psalter are quite innovative, which indicates the creative nature of the work
on both texts.


biblical translation, Church Slavonic biblical translation, the Radomir psalter, the Kiev psalter, Septuaginta, psalm 50, psalm 120

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Karzarnowicz, J. (2022) “PSALMY 50 I 120 W CERKIEWNOSŁOWIAŃSKICH TEKSTACH PSAŁTERZA. NOWE SPOJRZENIE NA PRZEKŁAD BIBLIJNY”, Linguodidactica, 26. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2022.26.07.

Jarosław Karzarnowicz