Wioletta A. Piegzik


The main purpose of this article is to discuss intuition as a mental capacity of every language
user and as a research method used by the linguist that can bring deeper insights into the
nature of language. The linguist-language researcher has a privileged position: on the one
hand, he/she is a user of language and has the ability to use it in practice; on the other
hand, he/she has in-depth explicit knowledge of language and methodological competence
to support its analysis. The paper points out that language is a complex psychological reality residing in the structures of the mind, which is often extra-logical and relies more on intuitive than logical processing. Inductive reasoning and collocational analysis are given
as examples of intuitive processing. Postulating the role of intuition in the study of language,
the author draws on the intuitionism of Henri Bergson and cites arguments taken from the
works of the French scholar and Nobel Prize winner.


intuition, “language in mind”, inference, collocation analysis, intuitive method

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Piegzik, W. A. (2022) “INTUICJA JAKO ZDOLNOŚĆ MENTALNA I METODA BADAWCZA JĘZYKOZNAWCY”, Linguodidactica, 26. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2022.26.12.

Wioletta A. Piegzik