Галина Яроцька

Одеський нацiональний унiверситет iм. I. I. Мечникова


The linguoocultural type “Odesa woman”, which became the object of this study, was
singled out due to the existence of the myth about Odesa as a traditionally “cosmopolitan” commercial city with its postulated “Odesa nationality” and the presence of the socalled
“Odesa coine” or “Odesa language”. The study found that the attitude towards the
Odesa woman as a stereotypical image is gradually losing its prototypical features, and this
type will most likely undergo significant transformations in the future. These transformations
concern, first of all, the language of communication; currently the image embodies a bilingual
person (Ukrainian-Russian), with a more pronounced Ukrainian component. However,
“Odesa Koyne” is not typically used in the everday speech of Odesa women. The sphere
of its use is fiction and humorous works. We believe that “odesianness” is a historical discursive
construction based on the existence of large and small narratives. These narratives
are now gradually being destroyed and replaced by new ones, in which attention is focused
on the formation of the “Ukrainianness” of the linguistic and cultural type ‘odesitka”


linguocultural type “Odesa woman”, “Odesa language”, social identity

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Галина Яроцька 
Одеський нацiональний унiверситет iм. I. I. Мечникова