Aleksandra Łukaszyk-Spryszak

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


Narrative medicine has become an independent field of medical humanities, which applies
the practical principles of analyzing literature in the context of interpreting patients’
personal narratives in order to improve patient-centered care and restore contemporarily
fragile doctor-patient relationships. Although its practical application can already be
observed in a growing number of doctor-oriented courses supported by many academic
centers around the world, its didactic potential as an innovative approach to teaching
English as a foreign language, especially to medical students, seems yet unnoticed. The
aim of this article is to provide a broader insight into the main original concept of narrative
medicine, yet with particular attention being drawn to its application as an innovative
practical didactic tool to transform the ESP courses attended by Polish students of medical


narrative medicine, ESP, medical English, foreign language didactics, education

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Łukaszyk-Spryszak, A. (2023) “NARRATIVE MEDICINE A TOOL TO RESHAPE YOUR ESP CLASS”, Linguodidactica, 27. Available at: (Accessed: 21 January 2025).

Aleksandra Łukaszyk-Spryszak 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku