Joanna Woch

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The article focuses on two main methods of teaching word stress to Polish students: imitation
and the grammar method. Imitation, based on repeating words, phrases and sentences
with correct word stress, is the dominant method of teaching Polish students. However, this
method does not seem to be effective in acquiring orthoepic habits since it is not based on characteristic features of the Russian accentual system. The research indicated that it is necessary
to compare and analyse Russian and Polish accentual systems to eliminate mother
tongue interference to master correct Russian pronunciation. Therefore, using the grammar
method in teaching Russian word stress is a necessity. This method allows for teaching rules
of stress in Russian because it uses word formation characteristics and the morphemic structure
of words. It is the only effective way of learning accentual patterns as it can develop
the habit of conscious accentuation based on structured rules and regularities, and improve
and correct Russian pronunciation in general.


word stress, Russian as a foreign language, word formation, syllable, Polish language

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Woch, J. (2023) “МЕТОДИКА ОБУЧЕНИЯ РУССКОМУ УДАРЕНИЮ В ПОЛЬСКОЙ АУДИТОРИИ ИСТОРИЯ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ”, Linguodidactica, 27. Available at: https://czasopisma.filologia.uwb.edu.pl/index.php/l/article/view/2166 (Accessed: 21 December 2024).

Joanna Woch 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach