Academic tutoring – a new form of teaching French as the third foreign language in the framework of modern language teaching

Adam Jarosz

Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Skandynawistyki i Lingwistyki Stosowanej


This article is the description of a project implemented at the University of Gdańsk aimed at individualised work of a tutor with selected students attending a foreign (French) language course within the study of Applied Linguistics. The project had two basic objectives: to introduce information about culture and literature (basic knowledge of culture and literature of French-speaking countries) and to teach language (to improve French language skills as the third language). Both targets were fulfilled within a cycle of one-to-one meetings (tutorials). During such meetings, custom-made forms of work were applied, including: reading selected fragments of critical literary studies in Polish and French (a preliminary work of a student conducted individually before every tutorial), elements of an academic lecture (the characteristics of selected epochs and cultural and literary phenomena discussed during tutorials) and the shared analysis of selected fragments of French literary texts, being the grounds for the deeper reflection on selected grammar and lexical issues. The summary of every tutorial was a discussion on literary problems mentioned during the meeting (a literary epoch, literary currents, authors, works, similarities to literary phenomena observed within other great European literatures) and varied grammatical and lexical exercises that referred to the covered material. An additional element that reinforced the gained knowledge was homework that involved writing short texts in French that concerned the analysed literary works and the presented grammatical and lexical content. The preliminary results of the project implementation weigh in favour of its continuation.


tutoring, student-master relation, teaching French language

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Jarosz, A. (2016) “Academic tutoring – a new form of teaching French as the third foreign language in the framework of modern language teaching”, Linguodidactica, 20, pp. 119–132. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2016.20.09.

Adam Jarosz 
Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Skandynawistyki i Lingwistyki Stosowanej