Development of Learner-centered Model of Foreign Language Learning

Марина Геннадьевна Гец

Минский государственный лингвистический университет, Кафедра педагогики и методики высшей школы


Incremental modernization of higher education aiming at quality enhancement brings about transformations of the aim and concept, management and structure, content, technologies and techniques, teaching aids and resources, diagnostic, evaluation and assessment tools. Innovations are perceived as qualitative changes turning ideas into novelties in the educational process and its management. Innovative techniques of learner-centered foreign language teaching can sort out differences between a constantly growing level of imposed demands and requirements to the level of language acquisition and lagging level of personal sociopsychological readiness for them of the subjects of educational process.


modernization of education, innovative activity, educational paradigm, learnercentered teaching, techniques and technologies

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Гец, М. Г. (2016) “Development of Learner-centered Model of Foreign Language Learning”, Linguodidactica, 20, pp. 63–70. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2016.20.05.

Марина Геннадьевна Гец 
Минский государственный лингвистический университет, Кафедра педагогики и методики высшей школы