Interlingual Interference Errors in Learner’s Interlanguage

Violetta Elżbieta Borecka

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Filologiczny


A linguistic error is one of the most fundamental problems of modern language teaching. Causes of errors are complex and result from different factors. Insufficient language competence triggers the mechanism of interference, involving the transfer of habits acquired in a native language to a foreign language. The aim of the publication is to highlight the diversity of linguistic errors resulting from crosslinguistic influence in a learner’s interlanguage system. The research material consists of written tasks performed in English by 116 students of secondary schools in Bialystok. The analysis of the errors excerpted from the corpus led to the classification of interlingual interference errors of lexical and grammatical categories along with linguistic commentary. The application of the research results in teaching practice can help teachers understand the nature of errors and take appropriate methodological decisions concerning prevention and treatment procedures.


error analysis, contrastive analysis, interference, interlanguage, language transfer

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Borecka, V. E. (2016) “Interlingual Interference Errors in Learner’s Interlanguage”, Linguodidactica, 20, pp. 25–40. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2016.20.02.

Violetta Elżbieta Borecka 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Filologiczny