The article presents the findings of the corpus-based research of the speech acts of thanking
and responses to thanking in spoken Polish. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate what
linguistic formulas and strategies are routinely employed by the Polish people to thank and
respond to thanking. The data for the analysis were taken from the spoken part of the PWN
Corpus of Polish. The analysis of the spontaneous conversational data provided us with
invaluable insights on how the polite speech acts in question are used in everyday interactions.
The findings of the corpus-based research should be useful for learners of Polish as a foreign
language as they will help them avoid unnatural or inappropriate expressions in a particular
thanking, responses to thanking, speech acts, polite linguistic formulas
Cyluk, A. (2012) „Akty podziękowań i ich repliki w mówionej polszczyźnie – studium oparte na korpusie“, Linguodidactica, 16, S. 15–30. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2012.16.02.