
Ouvrir une session ou (S'inscrire) pour faire une soumission.

En tant que partie intégrante du processus de soumission, les auteurs doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec tous les éléments suivants, et les soumissions peuvent être retournées aux auteurs qui ne sont pas conformes à ces directives.

  • La soumission n'a pas déjà été publiée et n'est pas considérée actuellement par une autre revue. Si ce n'est pas le cas, fournir une explication dans le champ "Commentaires au rédacteur".
  • Le fichier de la soumission est dans un des formats de fichier suivants : OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF ou WordPerfect.
  • Lorsque possible, les URLs des références ont été fournies.
  • Le texte est à simple interligne, utilise une police de 12 points, emploie l'italique plutôt que le souligné (sauf pour les adresses URL) et place toutes les illustrations, figures et tableaux aux endroits appropriés dans le texte plutôt qu'à la fin.
  • Le texte se conforme aux exigences stylistiques et bibliographiques décrites dans les Directives aux auteurs, qui se trouvent dans la section « À propos de la revue ».

  1. The annual academic journal Linguodidactica presents a forum for linguistic and foreign language teaching research of all kinds: selected problems of synchronous, diachronic, theoretical and applied linguistics (including theoretical and practical translation studies, terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, history of language, onomastics, cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, functional grammar), as well as teaching foreign languages (at all stages of education using traditional and new teaching/learning methods, and taking into account intra- and interlingual interference). Articles can be in the form of both language proficiency comparatives and texts of an applied character. 
  2. The journal publishes only original material that has not been previously published (including publication in other languages) and is not currently under consideration by another journal.
  3. The annual academic journal Linguodidactica publishes articles in Belarusian, English, French, German, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian.
  4. Publisher: University of Bialystok Press, 15-328 Białystok, ul. Świerkowa 20B, pok. 7, tel. 85 745 71 20, e-mail:
  5. Authors can submit original and previously unpublished papers, reviews, replies, and conference reports.
  6. Articles can be submitted all year long.
  7. Articles should be submitted via the submission system of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Bialystok.
  8. The printed form of Linguodidactica is its primary (referential) version.
  9. All texts submitted to the journal undergo a reviewing process.
  10. Papers are reviewed by two independent external reviewers who are not connected to the University of Bialystok and the author’s affiliation. Reviews take written form and are based on the template (link). Articles are accepted for publication when they receive two positive reviews (with clear recommendations). In case of contradicting opinions, the editorial board makes the final decision; they also have a right to appoint a third reviewer.
  11. Both authors and reviewers do not know each other’s identities (double-blind peer-reviewing process). The names of the reviewers for a particular publication are not disclosed at any stage. Once a year, the editorial board publishes a list of reviewers cooperating with the journal.
  12. Authors are obliged to observe the applicable canon of scientific integrity and honesty, as well as the ethical principles and scientific standards. They bear full responsibility for the originality of the submitted work and non-infringement of third-party rights. All co-authors of submitted papers are equally responsible for adhering to the journal's rules of publishing ethics.
  13. Authors are obliged to disclose all contributors to the article (including the percentage and quality contribution of each co-author to the preparation of the text) and to obtain their permission to publish it.
  14. The Authors treat the standards developed by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), along with the Scholar Code of Ethics of a as a point of reference for the purposes of this Code of Ethics and Conduct. The adopted standards are in line with the guidelines developed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
  15. All cases of suspected plagiarism are carefully analyzed by the Editor-in-chief and the Editorial Board. The handling of cases of plagiarism is in accordance with the instructions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and depends on the degree of copying (the work is rejected, a decision may be made to contact the publisher of the copied work and the institution the author represents).
  16. The Editor-in-chief and the Editorial Board also check for other types of research misconduct, fraud and author dishonesty (e.g., "ghostwriting," "guest authorship," data falsification). If the suspicion is confirmed, the work is rejected.
  17. All articles published in the journal are available in Open Access. Access to the full content is full, open, unlimited in time, territory and technology. Papers published in the journal Linguodidactica can be read, downloaded, copied, printed without any charge by all readers for all legitimate purposes. The editors encourage authors to publish their articles (after review or in the final editorial version) in open repositories with a hyperlink to the original piece and DOI.
  18. The authors retain the personal copyright to their work. At the same time they grant the University of Bialystok a non-exclusive and free license to use the work in all fields of exploitation and commit not to terminate the license agreement for the duration of the contract.
  19. The journal does not charge fees for submitting materials, for editorial work or for the publication of texts. The journal does not pay fees to the authors of articles.


  1. The volume of the article (including footnotes, literature list and abstracts) should be between 20,000 and 30,000 characters, including spaces. Please set the margins to 2,5cm from all sides.
  2. Papers should be submitted electronically in the .doc or .docx file formats.
  3. The upper-left corner of the first page should contain author’s details: their academic degree, first name, last name, affiliation (university’s name, department, etc.), business phone number, e-mail address, and ORCID number.
  4. Place the title of the article under the author’s details. The preferred font for the title is Times New Roman (16pt), aligned to the center, in bold.
  5. Under the title, place short (up to 10 lines) abstracts in Polish and English (please translate the title as well); the abstracts should clearly state the aim, methodology, and the results of the research study.
  6. Under each abstract list up to 5 keywords (in Polish and English).
  7. The preferred font for the body of the text is Times New Roman (12pt), with a 1.5-line spacing, fully justified, with no manual hyphenation or paragraph breaks.
  8. All headings should be aligned to the left and written in Times New Roman (12pt), boldface, with numbering in Arabic numerals.
  9. Citations should be placed in footnotes. Every citation should contain: initial of author’s first name, last name, title, place and year of publication; in case of journal articles: initial of author’s first name, last name, title of the article, title of the journal (in double quotation marks), publication year, volume/issue, page numbers (see the examples below).
  10. In case of articles in Polish, all references in Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian should be cited in their original forms. Please do not transliterate these instances.
  11. Reference list should be written in the Latin alphabet and sorted by the authors’ last names. Transliterate the references written originally in Cyrillic according to the PN-ISO 9:2000 standards.
  12. Papers which do not abide by these rules will not be accepted for publication.

Citation examples:

  • F. Last name, Title, the place and date of publication, p. (page number).
  • Title, F. Last name (ed.), the place and date of publication, p. (page number).
  • F. Last name, Title, “The title of the journal” the date of publication, issue, p. (page number).

Reference examples:

  • Last name F.., Title, the place and date of publication
  • Last name F., Title of the article / chapter, [in:] Title of the book, F. Last name (ed.), the place and date of publication, pages.
  • Last name F., Title of the article, “The name of the journal” the date of publication, issue, pages.
    • Title, F. Last name (ed.), the place and date of publication.