Komunikacja niewerbalna w ujęciu Teorii Wymiany Społecznej i Teorii Wpływu Społecznego
Joanna Puppel
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
This article presents the main assumptions of the Social Exchange Theory and the Theory of
Social Impact. Both theories allow us to analyze the impact of communication acts on both the
benefits and costs as well as on the intensity of the impact of a given human communicator on
another member of an interaction setup in different social contexts. The discussion presented
here allows us to formulate the rules governing nonverbal communication in terms of both of
these theories. These rules, called here the principles of nonverbal communication, are graded
in relation to the Principles of Interaction discussed in this article.
Słowa kluczowe:
Nonverbal Communication, Social Exchange Theory, Social Impact Theory