Наталiя Кондратенко
Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuЛюбов Завальська
Одеський нацiональний унiверситет iменi I. I. МечниковаАннотация
The article analyzes the structure of lexical meaning and the use of the tokens liberation
and aggression in Ukrainian, Russian and German as markers of semantic opposition. Definitions
of explanatory dictionaries of the Ukrainian, Russian and German languages served
as material for the analysis. To illustrate the peculiarities of usage, the contexts of modern
Ukrainian, Russian and German media discourse are involved. The lexeme zv`ıl’nennˆa / osvo-
boˇzdenie / Befreiung is polysemic in the analyzed languages. It was found that the lexeme
agres`ıˆa / agressiˆa / Aggression is presented in Ukrainian, Russian and German languages
with different actualization of the seme and different seme composition. In the Ukrainian
language, the transformation from “unprovoked armed attack” to “forceful intervention”
in the relations between two states is recorded; in the Russian language it is about “attack”
and forceful actions against “foreigners; and in the German language a military attack on
foreign territory is foreseen.
Ключевые слова:
semantic opposition, lexeme, context, Ukrainian language, Russian language, German languageБиблиографические ссылки
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Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
Одеський нацiональний унiверситет iменi I. I. Мечникова