Синтаксемный анализ в сравнительном языкознании (на материале русского и польского языков)
Małgorzata Borek
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut JęzykoznawstwaАнотація
The author of the article grounds her studies on the linguistic theory of syntactemes by Galina Zolotova. Any syntax construction may be studied in an analysis plan, as well as synthesis defined as syntacteme combination. The defined morphological form of expression may consist of various syntactemes. The aim of the article is to confrontatively analyse name syntactemes characteristic for the Russian language chosen from Sintaksicheskij slovar by Galina Zolotova and their equivalents in Polish. According to the author, the systematic analysis of syntactemes in the confrontative approach gives the possibility for the preparation of a scheme of elementary syntactic units of Russian and Polish, which may be used for glottodidactic aims, as well as in linguistic text studies.Ключові слова:
syntaktem, składnia, zdanie, analiza konfrontatywna, syntactemПосилання
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