English equivalents of the Polish term “zarządca spadku nieobjętego”

Anna Kizińska

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Katedra Ukrainistyki


The aim of this article is to present the English equivalents of the Polish term – “zarządca spadku nieobjętego” that are included in specialized Polish-English dictionaries and to assess their adequacy. The phrase “zarządca spadku nieobjętego” – typical of legal Polish and, more precisely, of succession law – may be literally translated into English as “administrator of non-acquired estate”. The definitions of the Polish succession law term under analysis are presented following an explanation of the label “term” [Lukszyn and Zmarzer (2001)] and a clarification of the phenomenon of “incongruity of terms” [Šarčević (1997)]. In the process of assessing their adequacy, the presence of equivalents in British law sources (in each of the three separate legal systems of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) is checked, and, if needed, the legal definitions of equivalents are presented. The translation methods applied to the formation of equivalents are also determined. Findings lead to conclude that one of the suggested equivalents may serve as the closest functional equivalent [Šarčević (1997)] of the Polish term in question.

Ключові слова:

equivalence, succession law, term, translation technique, functional equivalent

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Kizińska, A. (2017) «English equivalents of the Polish term “zarządca spadku nieobjętego”», Linguodidactica, 21, с. 135–145. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2017.21.10.

Anna Kizińska 
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Katedra Ukrainistyki