Angielskie ekwiwalenty terminu „pełnomocnictwo ogólne”

Anna Kizińska

Uniwersytet Warszawski


This paper constitutes an attempt to assess English equivalents of the Polish term “pełnomocnictwo ogólne” suggested in four most popular bilingual specialist dictionaries and four Polish civil code translations into English. The English equivalents discussed include: “general proxy”, “full power” and “general power”. In order to conduct a thorough assessment of the suggested equivalents, the definitions of the Polish term and its English equivalents presented in English monolingual legal dictionaries have been analysed. Moreover, the study aims to verify whether or not the suggested equivalents occur in the texts of the British sources of law. Finally, translation techniques applied while forming English equivalents under discussion are identified.

Ключові слова:

legal term, equivalent, functional equivalent, translation technique, legal text, calque, power of attorney, civil law


Kizińska, A. (2014) «Angielskie ekwiwalenty terminu „pełnomocnictwo ogólne”», Linguodidactica, 18, с. 63–74. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2014.18.07.

Anna Kizińska 
Uniwersytet Warszawski