The role of assessment in the verbalization of the world of human emotions

Лариса Нiколаєнко

Iнститут мовознавства iм. О.О. Потебнi НАН Украïни. Вiддiл слов’янських мов


The aim of the article is to present the theoretical problems of researching the role of assessment in the verbalization of human emotions. In linguistics, a very small number of studies are devoted to the conceptualization of emotions in the axiological aspect. The author proves that hedonistic and moral assessments are most often present in the conceptualization of feelings. Moral assessment characterizes the actions and intentions of a person, and his attitude towards other people from the point of view of good and evil. In the verbalization of emotions, it is expressed with the help of epithets that are combined with the names of feelings, as well as through the linguistic representation of close or polar feelings. Hedonistic assessment characterizes the feeling of the subject of emotion on a scale of «pleasant/unpleasant». In the verbalization of emotions, it is expressed through metaphorical descriptions that represent conceptual signs and associative images of feelings.


hedonistic assessment, moral assessment, emotion, axiological characteristic, verbalization

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Нiколаєнко Л. (2021) “The role of assessment in the verbalization of the world of human emotions”, Linguodidactica, 25, pp. 129–140. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2021.25.10.

Лариса Нiколаєнко 
Iнститут мовознавства iм. О.О. Потебнi НАН Украïни. Вiддiл слов’янських мов