Stress at work of an fl teacher

Krzysztof Polok

Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej. Wydział Społeczno-Humanistyczny. Instytut Neofilologii


The aim of the article is to analyze a number of issues related to the topic of stress in the work of a language teacher, and to focus on those moments that are particularly strongly influenced by stress, in many cases causing forms of learners’ functioning to be affected by the teacher’s stress. The techniques used in the article are based on the meta-analysis format and the proposal of a stricter implementation of divergent work procedures during the language lesson. The proposals presented in the conclusion should result not only in a deeper involvement of students in the contents of the lesson, but also a generally lower level of stress load affecting the actions of both the language teacher and his/her students.


stress, learning a foreign language, divergent/convergence teaching, learning to communicate, subjective/objective self-awareness, creativity

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Polok, K. (2021) “Stress at work of an fl teacher”, Linguodidactica, 25, pp. 197–213. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2021.25.14.

Krzysztof Polok 
Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej. Wydział Społeczno-Humanistyczny. Instytut Neofilologii