The role of songs and poems in the Polish RFL classroom

Olga Anchimiuk

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej


When the rhythmical parameters are abnormal (even the articulation is relatively correct) the speech understanding is much more difficult. Not the phoneme, but the rhythm and intonation are the guarantee of successful communication. The rhythm is the original property of poetry and music, they cannot exist without it. The use of songs and poems in classes with Polish students gives not only the opportunity to develop the tempo and the rhythm of speech, it is also an effective method to master suprasegmental language units. Through song and poetry, important components of culture, students will also learn the history, customs and traditions of the country whose language they learn.


song, intercultural communication, intercultural competences

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Anchimiuk, O. (2017) “The role of songs and poems in the Polish RFL classroom”, Linguodidactica, 21, pp. 9–21. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2017.21.01.

Olga Anchimiuk 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej