Lexicon of the officer Polish Border Guard (about the sources of terminology Border Guard)

Joanna Wrona

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Filologiczny


The language used by the officers of the Podlasie Border Guard Unit differs from the languages of other occupational groups. It consists of many terms as well as specialized lexis such as: polygraphy, medicine, radiometry, economics and law. The border guard sociolect occurs both in written and oral form. In addition to borderline terminology, which is a collection of specialized terms, there are also literary, as well as colloquial expressions from the Polish language which are used by border guards. A part of the oral language is colloquial in nature; jargon is created here. It used in communication between officers and in contact with travelers crossing the border. The lexicon of the officer of the Podlasie Border Guards is created in a variety of ways. You can notice borrowings from various terminological systems, the passages of literary and colloquial language into sociolect, and the processes of converting terminological phrases into single lexemes, which are most commonly colloquial.


terminology, jargon, sociolect, language Border Guard

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Wrona, J. (2017) “Lexicon of the officer Polish Border Guard (about the sources of terminology Border Guard)”, Linguodidactica, 21, pp. 261–269. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2017.21.19.

Joanna Wrona 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Filologiczny