How do students of less commonly taught languages use dictionaries?

Anna Grzeszak

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Hungarystyki


The paper attempts to answer the question to what extent the existing findings on the dictionary use (concerning mainly learners of English) are true for the students of the Department of Hungarian Language at the University of Warsaw, who learn three less commonly taught languages: Finnish, Hungarian and Estonian. The paper presents the results of a survey which focused on the following issues: 1) how often the students use dictionaries, 2) how frequently they use dictionaries of different types, 3) how they rate the dictionaries they use.


dictionary use, Hungarian language, Finnish language, Estonian language, bilingual dictionaries, monolingual dictionaries

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Grzeszak, A. (2015) “How do students of less commonly taught languages use dictionaries?”, Linguodidactica, 19, pp. 63–77. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2015.19.05.

Anna Grzeszak 
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Hungarystyki