The relationship between field dependence / field independence and English achievement test results. The outcomes of the correlational study

Anna Jantarska

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Filologii Obcych


The following article presents the results of a correlational study conducted on a sample of 64 adult learners of English. They were the second-year students of English Philology at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. The researcher has analyzed the nature and strength of the relationship between the cognitive style of field dependence FD / field independence FI (an independent variable of the study) and the PNJA English achievement test results (a dependent variable of the study). Conclusions are drawn on the basis of correlational diagrams and statistical analyses. The research in question is a part of a long-term project aiming at a thorough examination of the effect that FD / FI has on the acquisition of English as a second language.


foreign language acquisition, individual learner differences, cognitive / learning style, field dependence, field independence, language skills, correlational research

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Jantarska, A. (2015) “The relationship between field dependence / field independence and English achievement test results. The outcomes of the correlational study”, Linguodidactica, 19, pp. 91–103. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2015.19.07.

Anna Jantarska 
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Filologii Obcych