Les techniques de traduction des urbanonymes sur l’exemple des romans policiers polonais et leurs traductions en français

Urszula Kochanowska

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydział Filologiczny. Katedra Leksykologii i Pragmalingwistyki


There is a common belief that proper names are not to be translated. The author traced the transfer of urbanonyms in French translations of two Polish crime novels set in contemporary Warsaw. The analysis has been based on the techniques of translating proper names by K. Hejwowski (2004, 2015). The dominant techniques used in various categories of urbanonyms have been distinguished (simple transfer, transfer with spelling modification, translation). In the case of street names, avenues and squares derived from surnames, translators use inflectional neutralization. Another frequent technique is to add the qualifiers rue (‘street’) and quartier (‘district’) to the names of streets and neighbourhoods. In Polish, they are often omitted, which, in the case of street names, is unacceptable in French. Moreover, several techniques allowing removing a proper name or to replace it with a common noun have also been detected. All in all, the techniques applied for translating urbanonymsmake it easier for the French recipient to follow the threads of the novel and to read foreign names. However, they deprive him/her of contact with some features of foreign names’ strangeness that characterize a different cultural area.


urbanonyms, proper names, translation techniques, Warsaw, crime novel

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Kochanowska, U. (2021) „Les techniques de traduction des urbanonymes sur l’exemple des romans policiers polonais et leurs traductions en français“, Linguodidactica, 25, S. 51–68. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2021.25.04.

Urszula Kochanowska 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydział Filologiczny. Katedra Leksykologii i Pragmalingwistyki