Некоторые осебенности номинации часов на основе ойконимов
Bożena Bolesta-Wrona
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział FilologicznyAbstract
In our publication we try to characterize some ways of nominating watches and give examples of the names of those devices created on the basis of oikonyms. In the introduction we cite the definitions of transonymization, quoting the statements of famous linguists, eg A.V. Superanska, N.V. Podolska, D. Latypov, as one of the ways of creating proper names. Subsequently, we discuss some of the names of watches extracted from the collection of over 1000 such onims. Finally, we present the results of research that show that the names of the watches created on the basis of the oikonyms reflect the cultural phenomena taking place in a given area in different historical epochs and that they reflect the current trend of naming.
oikonym, transonymization, names of the watches, nominationLiteraturhinweise
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