Réduction de l’anxiété de grammaire selon Bill VanPatten et William R. Glass

Sylwia Łuszczyńska

Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Katedra Filologii Romańskiej


In this paper we describe the relationship between language anxiety and grammar learning. Sources of grammar anxiety can be attributed to too much material, teacher concern for errors, student evaluation, lack of congruence between Communicative Language Teaching and traditional grammar instruction, or lack of grammar instruction. This article presents some techniques to diminish anxiety in light of an approach to grammar instruction proposed by B. VanPatten and W.R. Glass (1999).

Mots-clés :

grammar, language anxiety, learning, processing, instruction

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Łuszczyńska, S. (2017) « Réduction de l’anxiété de grammaire selon Bill VanPatten et William R. Glass », Linguodidactica, 21, p. 147–163. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2017.21.13.

Sylwia Łuszczyńska 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Katedra Filologii Romańskiej