Лингвометодические подходы к обучению просодии иноязычной речи

Ирина В. Галыня

Минский государственный лингвистический университет


The article reveals the contents of methodological approaches to teaching foreign languages. Based on the author’s research, it gives analysis of the basic and the most advantageous approaches to teaching the prosody of a foreign language. The author briefly provides the foundations for classifying lingua-didactic approaches, and, using a comparative analysis of the existing approaches to foreign language teaching, proves the advantage of implementing the activity and functional approaches in teaching the prosody of a foreign language. The author highlights the necessity of integrating lingua-didactic approaches at the crossroads of adjacent sciences, with universal laws of speech prosody formation and specific features of a given foreign language in focus.

Mots-clés :

approach, approach to learning, activity approach, behaviorism, conscious approach, functional approach, prosodic features, skills


Галыня, И. В. (2014) « Лингвометодические подходы к обучению просодии иноязычной речи », Linguodidactica, 18, p. 29–37. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2014.18.03.

Ирина В. Галыня 
Минский государственный лингвистический университет