Лингвистические особенности программной речи президента (на примере послания Федеральному Собранию)

Robert Szymula

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


The political discourse is a complex linguistic phenomenon which attracts attention of many scientists from different fields, which shows its interdisciplinary character. The message to the Federal Assembly is one of the important types of modern Russian political discourse. It is a relatively new genre in Russia (first message to the Federal Aseembly was delivered in 1994). The aim of the message is to inform members of the Parliament and citizens of Russia about the situation in the country and outline the plan of the development. The material for the research was President Putin’s message from 2002. The author analyzed the composition of the speech, its topics and linguistic features.

Mots-clés :

discourse, political discourse, programme speech, political linguistics, president’s message, socio-cultural differences


Szymula, R. (2013) « Лингвистические особенности программной речи президента (на примере послания Федеральному Собранию) », Linguodidactica, 17, p. 191–207. doi: 10.15290/lingdid.2013.17.15.

Robert Szymula 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku